Consider the swimming pool in the figure. (When finding its volume, use the fact that the volume is the area of the region on the vertical sidewall times the width of the pool.)         (a) Find the...

Consider the swimming pool in the figure. (When finding its volume, use the fact that the volume is the area of the region on the vertical sidewall times the width of the pool.)

(a) Find the volume of the pool. (b) How many gallons of water are in the pool? (There are about 7.48 gallons of water in 1 cubic foot.) (c) Find an equation of the line representing the base of the pool. (d) The depth of the water at the deep end of the pool is d feet. Show that the volume of water is

(e) Graph the volume function. (f ) Use a graphing utility to complete the table.

(g) Approximate the depth of the water at the deep end when the volume is 4800 cubic feet.

May 19, 2022

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