Consider the following MIPS assembly language program: # Data area .data mydata: .word 0x4CAFE, 0xBABE # output: .word 0 # for storing the result # # Instructions (program) area .text main: la $s0,...

Consider the following MIPS assembly language program:

# Data area


mydata: .word 0x4CAFE, 0xBABE


output: .word 0 # for storing the result


# Instructions (program) area


main: la $s0, mydata # load the address of memory location mydata to $s0

lw $t0, ($s0) #

lw $t1, 4($s0) #

sub $t2, $t0, $t1 #


la $s1, output # Load the address of memory location output to $s1

sw $t2, ($s1) #


li $v0, 1 # syscall #1 (print int)

srl $a0, $t2, 1 # divide by 2

syscall # invoke syscall to print


# The END

1)      What will be seen on MARS console when this program runs? [x]

Jun 11, 2022

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