Consider the following binary search tree T (11) 17 10 15 i. Redraw the tree after adding value 14 to tree T. 12 16 ii. Redraw the tree after deleting value 8 from tree T. iii. Write the Pre-order,...

Consider the following binary search tree T<br>(11)<br>17<br>10<br>15<br>i. Redraw the tree after adding value 14 to tree T.<br>12<br>16<br>ii. Redraw the tree after deleting value 8 from tree T.<br>iii. Write the Pre-order, In-order, Post-order traversals for the original tree T.<br>

Extracted text: Consider the following binary search tree T (11) 17 10 15 i. Redraw the tree after adding value 14 to tree T. 12 16 ii. Redraw the tree after deleting value 8 from tree T. iii. Write the Pre-order, In-order, Post-order traversals for the original tree T.

Jun 11, 2022

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