Consider the daily log returns on the S&P 500 index (GSPC). Begin by running the following commands in R, then answer the questions below for the series y.
(a) Is there any serial correlation in the log returns of S&P 500 index? Why?
(b) Is there any ARCH effect (evidence of conditional heteroskedasticity) in the log returns of S&P 500 index? Why?
(c) Specify and fit an ARCH model to the log returns of S&P 500 index. Write down the fitted model.
(d) Is your fitted ARCH model stationary? Why?
(e) Fit a GARCH(1,1) model for the log returns on the S&P 500 index using the Gaussian distribution for the innovations. Write down the fitted model.
(f) Perform model checking to ensure that the model is adequate using 20 lags in a Ljung-Box test of the standardized residuals and the squared standardized residuals.
(g) Is the fitted GARCH model stationary? Why?
(h) Make a Normal quantile plot for the standardized residuals. Use qqnorm() and qqline() in R. Is the Gaussian distribution appropriate for the standardized innovations? (i) Plot the fitted conditional standard deviation process ˆσt and comment.
(j) Calculate the 1–10 step ahead forecasts from the end of the series for both the process yt and the conditional variance using the ugarchforecast() function.