Consider the context-free grammar S- A$ A→ aAa | B B → bbB | A If you draw a prediction table for the grammar, each production has a subset of a, b, $ that predict it. For each production, list its...


Consider the context-free grammar<br>S- A$<br>A→ aAa | B<br>B → bbB | A<br>If you draw a prediction table for the grammar, each production has a subset of a, b, $ that predict it.<br>For each production, list its predictor(s) in alphabetical order with $ at the end of the list if it's<br>included. Separate items using commas and no spaces. For example: x,y,$. If a set is empty write<br>

Extracted text: Consider the context-free grammar S- A$ A→ aAa | B B → bbB | A If you draw a prediction table for the grammar, each production has a subset of a, b, $ that predict it. For each production, list its predictor(s) in alphabetical order with $ at the end of the list if it's included. Separate items using commas and no spaces. For example: x,y,$. If a set is empty write "empty". S- A$ A→ aAa | B A - B B → bbB B →A Is this grammar suitable for recursive-descent predictive parsing? Type exactly "yes" or "no".

Jun 09, 2022

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