Consider hiding the status bar-and all other app U-while people aro actively vewing tul-screen media. If you hide the status ber, be sure to let people retrieve and the appropriato app U with a single...

Text does not matter u can do it with lorem ipsum.

but colors and header must bu with grid layout system like

col-1 {

    width: 8.33%;


  .col-2 {

    width: 16.66%;


  .col-3 {

    width: 25%;


  .col-4 {

    width: 33.33%;


  .col-5 {

    width: 41.66%;


  .col-6 {

    width: 50%;


  .col-7 {

    width: 58.33%;


  .col-8 {

    width: 66.66%;


  .col-9 {

    width: 75%;


  .col-10 {

    width: 83.33%;


  .col-11 {

    width: 91.66%;


  .col-12 {

    width: 100%;


Consider hiding the status bar-and all other app U-while people aro actively<br>vewing tul-screen media. If you hide the status ber, be sure to let people retrieve<br>and the appropriato app U with a single tap. Uniess you have a compeling<br>reason to do so, avoid defining a oustom gesture to redisplay the status bar<br>because users are unikaly to discover such a gosture or to remember t.<br>

Extracted text: Consider hiding the status bar-and all other app U-while people aro actively vewing tul-screen media. If you hide the status ber, be sure to let people retrieve and the appropriato app U with a single tap. Uniess you have a compeling reason to do so, avoid defining a oustom gesture to redisplay the status bar because users are unikaly to discover such a gosture or to remember t.

Jun 10, 2022

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