Consider an occupation that interests you. Using OneNote, examine the responsibilities, education requirements, potential salary, and employment outlook of a speci_c career. Perform the following...

Consider an occupation that interests you. Using OneNote, examine the responsibilities, education requirements, potential

salary, and employment outlook of a speci_c career. Perform the following tasks:

a. Create a new OneNote notebook on your Microso_ OneDrive account. Name the notebook with your _rst name

followed by a career title, such as
Kara - App Developer.

b. Create four section tabs with the names
Responsibilities, Education Requirements, Median Salary, and


c. Research the responsibilities of your career path. Using OneNote, record a short video (approximately 30 seconds) of

yourself explaining the responsibilities of your career path. Place the video in the Responsibilities section.

d. On the web, research the educational requirements for your career path and _nd two appropriate sources. Copy a paragraph

from each source and paste them into the appropriate section. When you paste a paragraph, OneNote inserts it

in a note with a link to the source.

e. Research the median salary for a single year for this career. Create a mathematical equation in the Median

Salary section that multiplies the amount of the median salary times 20 years to calculate how much you will


f. For the Employment Outlook section, research the outlook for your career path. Take at least four notes about what you

_nd when researching the topic.

g. Sync your notes with your OneDrive. Submit your assignment in the format speci_ed by your instructor.

May 19, 2022

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