Consider a TCP connection with the following parameters: a) Initial ssthreshold = 4 segments b) Round Trip Time (RTT) = 10 milliseconds c) Timeout period = 40 milliseconds d) Segment size = 3900 bytes...

Consider a TCP connection with the following parameters:
a) Initial ssthreshold = 4 segments
b) Round Trip Time (RTT) = 10 milliseconds
c) Timeout period = 40 milliseconds
d) Segment size = 3900 bytes
The TCP connection was used to transfer 17 data segments. While sending
the segments, data segment 7 and data segment 15 were lost the first time
they were sent (but arrived at the receiver properly when retransmitted).
There were no other segment losses apart from the aforementioned. Assume
that data segments received out-of-order are buffered at the receiver. What
is the average throughput obtained in sending all the data segments (in
bytes/sec)? Draw a diagram to show the communication process in detail.

Jun 10, 2022

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