Consider a _nite-dimensional state space system where xt 2 IRn. Write a computer program implementing the Kalman recursion equations (3.13){(3.17). Given a sample fy1 yng, verify that tjn _ tjt _ t...

Consider a _nite-dimensional state space system where xt 2 IRn.

Write a computer program implementing the Kalman recursion equations


Given a sample fy1 yng, verify that tjn _ tjt _ t for all t _ n,

where the matrix inequality A _ B means that x0(B 􀀀 A)x _ 0 for all x.

Consider the following state space system:

xt+1 = _xt + "t; yt = _xt + "t;

where "t is white noise with unit variance.

(a) For which values of the parameter _ = (_; _) is this system stable?

(b) For which values of _ is the system observable or controllable?

(c) For which values of _ are the Kalman recursions stable?

(d) Assume that "t is an independent and identically distributed sequence

N(0; 1). Simulate several trajectories of the system for a

sample size n = 1000 and di_erent parameters _.

May 05, 2022

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