Congestive Heart Failure Client Education Brochure Assignment
Congestive Heart Failure Client Education Brochure Assignment Congestive Heart Failure Client Education Brochure Assignment Client Education Project: Students will create a single-sheet, double-sided brochure that will be used as part of client-education materials. This brochure will discuss the etiology, epidemiology, pathology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and prevention of Congestive Heart Failure. To complete this assignment, the student will need to understand who the reader/audience is and the purpose of the brochure. Students will conduct research to find the information needed to design an appropriate brochure with images and so forth. Grading will be based on the brochure’s organization, content, accuracy, mechanics, academic integrity, graphics/pictures, overall appearance, and effectiveness in communicating information. APA Formatting for References: The reference list is a separate page; do not include your references in the brochure. Put the word "References" at the top center of the page. Your reference list is alphabetized according to the first word of each end reference. The reference list is double spaced and formatted using a hanging indent. Any sources that are used for the creation of the Group Project Brochure need to be included in your reference page. Please use the following link: as a resource to help create your reference page. Remember, ONLY the reference page needs APA formatting. Guidelines for Internet Research: Few or no regulations for content or information posted on any website exist; therefore, the student must be aware that false and misleading information can exist on the Internet. Some information may contradict mainstream medical treatment guidelines. Usually, web sites ending in “.edu” are academic sites; those ending with “.gov” are government sites; those ending with “.mil” are military sites; “.org” is likely non-profit; and “.com” is likely a commercial site. It is wise to evaluate the quality of the information available on any given web site before depending on it for skill building. This can be accomplished by checking for the following indicators: * Author’s or authors’ credentials, affiliations and references to source data * Date information was last modified (Is it current by APA standards?) * Any reference to sources of funding (commercial or noncommercial) * Association of the web site to professional health organization Client Education Project Rubric CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Organization The information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence which is easily followed by a reader, and the purpose of the brochure is clear. Information is presented in a logical sequence the reader can follow, and the purpose of the brochure is somewhat clear. The reader has difficulty understanding the information presented due to subject “jumping”, and the purpose of The reader cannot understand the information presented due to lack of an organized sequence, and the purpose of the the brochure is somewhat unclear. brochure is not clear at all. Content Accuracy All facts in the brochure are accurate. 90-99% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. 80-89% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Fewer than 80% of the facts in the brochure are accurate. Mechanics There are no grammatical mistakes or spelling errors in the brochure. There is no more than 1 grammatical mistake or spelling error in the brochure. There are 2 grammatical mistakes or spelling errors in the brochure. There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes or spelling errors in the brochure. Academic Integrity No facts or statements in the brochure have been copies directly from a source. All are in students’ own words. There is at least one fact or statement in the brochure that has been copied directly from a source. Graphics/ Pictures Graphics explain and reinforce the text, and there is a good mix of text and graphics. Graphics relate with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Graphics do not help to explain and reinforce the text, or there are too few and the brochure seems "text-heavy." Graphics appear to be randomly chosen, or no graphics are used. Overall Visual Appearance Effective use of fonts and color makes the brochure exceptionally attractive. Important information has larger font size, and the text is arranged in sections that are easy to read. Brochure is visually ordinary. Most of the text is arranged in sections that are easy to read. The use of multiple fonts and colors is distracting and confusing to the reader. Busy areas of text are not separated. The brochure is visually boring. There are too many blank spaces or not enough color. Brochure is an effective communication tool for target audience The language of the text is appropriate for the intended audience. The reader’s attention is drawn to important areas. Most of the language of the text is appropriate for the intended audience. Readers may miss important information because the language is not suited to the audience at times. The language of the text is confusing to the reader. Attendance Present for all presentations. Not tardy; did not leave early. Absent, tardy or left early on any presentation. APA formatting All references complete and correctly documented. Minor errors in documentation of references with APA formatting. References present but significantly incomplete, unclear or otherwise minimally acceptable No References