(COMPUTER) Assume that the Rayleigh wave phase velocity at periods between 50 and 500 s can be approximated by the polynomial representation c(T) = 4.020 − 1.839 × 10−3 T + 3.071 × 10−5 T 2 − 3.549 ×...

(COMPUTER) Assume that the Rayleigh wave phase velocity at periods between

50 and 500 s can be approximated by the polynomial representation

c(T) = 4.020 − 1.839 × 10−3 T + 3.071 × 10−5 T 2 − 3.549 × 10−8 T 3,

where c is the phase velocity in km/s and T is the period in seconds.

(a) Plot both the group and phase velocity dispersion curves as a function of

period for T = 50 to 500 s, using (8.42) to generate the U(T) curve (this can

be done either analytically or through numerical differencing on the computer

after converting c(T) points to ω(k) points).

(b) Use this relationship to write a computer program to compute Rayleigh wave

synthetic seismograms at source–receiver ranges of 0, 30, 90, and 150 degrees. Define your seismograms to be 1.5 hours long with a digitization interval of 5 s. Construct the synthetics as a sum of cosine functions at frequencies

from 0.002 to 0.02 Hz with a frequency spacing of 0.0002 Hz. Apply a phase

shift to each frequency component to account for the propagation distance.

Make a plot of the synthetic seismogram at each range.

(c) Pick two adjacent peaks in your synthetic Rayleigh wave at 150◦ and measure

their time separation. Using this as an approximation for the period T , show

that the arrival time is in reasonable agreement with the group velocity curve

plotted in part (a).

(d) Note: You may notice a “wrap-around’’ phase at 5000 s at zero distance. Note

that 5000 = 1/df where df = 0.0002 Hz. To get rid of this phase, use a smaller

value for df (which will push it back to later times) or simply window it out

of your plot. Your synthetics will not be accurate past 180◦ unless a π/2 phase

advance is added to correct for the effect of the focusing at the antipode (see

Aki and Richards, 2002, p. 351). An additional π/2 phase advance occurs for

each additional epicentral or antipodal passage.

Hint: Here is the key part of a FORTRAN program to solve this problem:

In this case, we apply a Hanning taper (sin2 function) to smoothly reduce

the amplitudes close to the frequency limits. This minimizes ringing and

other artifacts in the final synthetic seismogram that are caused by the finite

bandwidth. If you are curious why your synthetics are missing the fast waves

at very long periods, try removing the Hanning taper. You will now see the

early-arriving, long-period energy, but your synthetics will suffer ringing

from the abrupt frequency limits in the calculation.

May 26, 2022

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