complete the sentence with a preposition ( in , at, on) or (no preposition) I phone you. five minutes ago* Your answer What did you do . last night * Your answer We went to Spain 2006* Your answer I...

complete the sentence with a preposition ( in , at, on) or (no preposition)<br>I phone you. five minutes ago*<br>Your answer<br>What did you do<br>. last night *<br>Your answer<br>We went to Spain<br>2006*<br>Your answer<br>I got up late . Yesterday<br>Your answer<br>We saw James . Wednesday*<br>Your answer<br>I relax<br>the weekend*<br>Your answer<br>

Extracted text: complete the sentence with a preposition ( in , at, on) or (no preposition) I phone you. five minutes ago* Your answer What did you do . last night * Your answer We went to Spain 2006* Your answer I got up late . Yesterday Your answer We saw James . Wednesday* Your answer I relax the weekend* Your answer

Jun 10, 2022

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