please give some thought to, analyze and write a 3-4 page essay addressing the following:1.  Review the political ideologies outlined/discussed in Ch. 4  and then give some thought to what YOU...

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please give some thought to, analyze and write a 3-4 page essay addressing the following: 1.  Review the political ideologies outlined/discussed in Ch. 4  and then give some thought to what YOU believe in politically.  What issues matter to you and why? What is your perception of our government and why? Where do you fall on the Political Continuum and why?   2.  What challenges are present in America's current, largely, two party system of the Republican and Democrat parties? Please give specific examples. 3.  Finally, given the challenges in our two-party system, please create your own political party and discuss it over 2-3 pages. Please indicate the following:   (a) What do you like or dislike about the current system and why?   (b)  What would your political party be called? And, if possible, what would be your party's emblem, symbol(s) or mascot and why?  (c) Please outline the top 3 issues that your party stands for and addresses; and   (d) Please choose a person who would run as your party's Presidential candidate in 2024 and why? Ch. 4 – Political Ideologies Ch. 4 – Political Ideologies Why do we believe what we believe about government? Wise Words from Prof. M’Guinness’s favorite philosopher… “There is always hope when people listen to both sides.” ( John Stuart Mill) It’s complicated…. “Nationalism, liberalism, conservativism, socialism….all provide an ideology that explains why people feel lonely and confused…Dangerously, many ‘isms’ peddle in victimhood that lay the blame for an individual’s unhappy situation on groups of others. We must remain alert and engaged” - Francis Fukiyama “Identity” What is a “political ideology”? “it spells out what is valued and what is not, what must be maintained and what must be changed.” (Turner p. 102) “a set of ideas, beliefs, values, and opinions..providing plans of action for government and an attempt to justify, explain, contest, or change the social and political arrangements and processes of a political community. ” (science Why we believe what we believe Four agents of political socialization: Family Social groups Education Political/socio-economic conditions America’s ”teams” Ideologically speaking, the United States has two “camps”: Conservative – Loves political and economic “status quo”, does not dig change, loves tradition and moral virtue in government - LOW TAXES = SMALL GOVERNMENT! Liberal – The “individual” is rational and can overcome challenges, digs changes to political, economic and social status quo; morality largely personal sphere. Political Continuum SNAPSHOT : Liberalism throughout us history CLASSICAL LIBERALISM – (early 19th century) small government, no intervention in economy, protect property rights. POPULISM - reaction to government corruption (cut down), economic reform, more “regular” folks in government. PROGRESSIVISM – also in reaction to corruption, need government social programs to alleviate suffering of unchecked Capitalism. CONTEMPORARY LIBERALISM – Positive state problem solving, tolerance of diverse lifestyles, FDR and “New Deal” (welfare state) funded by HIGH TAXES. NEOLIBERALISM – Creation of wealth via healthy economy; not redistribute high taxes, reform social programs SNAPSHOT: CONSERVATIVISM IN US HISTORY EARLY AMERICAN – Property is sacred, but should be held by many (no elite). Only elite should govern. INDUSTRIAL AGE – enormous $$$ potential to all – government should stay out of economy (free market- laissez faire) – when people earn money it is FREEDOM. Social Darwinism! CONTEMPORARY – Reaction to Great Depression and New Deal; government spent too much and should be moral arbiter (no abortion, no gay marriage, no ERA – Pledge of Allegiance “One Nation Under God..”). NEO CONSERVATIVE – Former liberals – reject huge spending, favor free market, not redistribution. NEW RIGHT: Christian element – return to founding by Christian Founders – TEA Party. There have to be more choices !!! (DEOCRATIC) SOCIALISM - A democratically elected government owns all major industries who are responsible for planning and directing the economy; limit on individual wealth and property. LIBERTARIANISM – (reboot of classical Liberalism = small government – LIKE REEEALLLLYY SSSMMMAAALLLL..); LIFE, LIBERTY AND PROPERTY… the state does not regulate economic or individual’s moral life = provides only for defense/policing (minimal). PARTIES INSIDE LIBERALISM , CONSERVATIVISM AND BEYOND for 2020 DEMOCRATIC (Joe Biden) GREEN (Howie Hawkins) PEACE AND FREEDOM (Howie Hawkins) PARTY FOR SOCIALISM AND LIBERATION (Gloria La Riva) INDEPENDENT PARTY – (Brock Pierce) REPUBLICAN PARTY (Donald Trump) LIBERTARIAN PARTY (Jo Jorgensen) CONSTITUTION PARTY (Don Blankenship) THE BIRTHDAY PARTY (Kanye West) “..Some group identities have a more politically galvanizing effect…many ‘identities’ are built around the idea of shared blood.. Which makes the family identity primal … whether that family is biological, religious or political.” Amy Chua “Political Tribes” RightLeft Type to enter text CONSERVATIVE ( R) - Anti-Federalist Roots - Believe in SMALL government and lots of personal “liberty” - but not cultural :0( - Federal Gov only for DEFENSE - Butt out of ECONOMY= Free Market - Government should be moral arbiter of personal cultural behavior - Oppose to abortion, same sex marriage, LIBERAL (L) - Federalist Roots - Dig BIG government to solve big societal problems - Favors small defense - Favors Government intervention in ECONOMY and
Answered Same DayOct 29, 2022

Answer To: please give some thought to, analyze and write a 3-4 page essay addressing the following:1....

Rochak answered on Oct 30 2022
57 Votes
1. The political ideologies outlined are:
· The thing which is valued: These are the things which should be valued the most
· Things which s
hould not be valued: These are the things which should not be valued and therefore they should not be there in the political ideologies
· Populism: Government corruption requires more economic reform which will make sure that the overall government corruption is not there, and therefore the corruption is not there
· Neoliberalism: Creation of wealth via a healthy economy; not redistribute high taxes, and reform social programs
Politically I believe that the political ideology should be neoliberalism and other important things which means that the government work for the welfare of the economy and the people in the country, and this can be done using ideology which is saying no to corruption and saying a yes to the public and the economy.
The issues which matter to me are poverty, inequality, and this matters to me because they are the major problems which lead to more problems and therefore these issues are something which need to be looked at.
The perception of our government is that they are conservative by which I mean that the government is taking less risk and therefore they are trying to revive the economy and help the USA become the previous one again (Riker 1982)
I fall somewhere in the middle of the political continuum because though I have...

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