Complete the following tasks: a. Create a PhoneBook class. Fields include first name, last name, area code, and phone number. b. Include an extraction operator that prompts the user for values for...

Complete the following tasks:

a. Create a PhoneBook class. Fields include first name, last name, area code, and phone number.

b. Include an extraction operator that prompts the user for values for each field. Also include

an insertion operator that displays the values of each field.

c. Overload the operator[]()function to change a PhoneBook object’s phone number (but

not area code).

d. Overload the operator()()function to change the area code and phone number.

e. Write a main()function in which you declare an array of five PhoneBook objects and

assign data to each. Using a loop, display numbers 1 through 5, along with each object’s data.

Prompt the user to select a number 1 through 5 to modify a PhoneBook entry. When the user

has chosen an entry, ask whether the user wants to alter an entire entry, alter the entire

phone number including the area code, or alter just the phone number and not the area code.

Accept new data values accordingly. If the user wants to modify an entire entry, create a temporary object, assign values, and use the built-in = operator to assign the temporary object to

the correct location in the array. If the user wants to change the area code and phone number,

or change the phone number only, prompt for values, then use either the [ ] or () operator to

assign the new values to the proper existing object within the array. After the update has taken

effect, redisplay the five PhoneBook entries. Save the file as PhoneBook.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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