Complete the following tasks: a. Create a NonNumericException class that inherits from runtime_error. The class contains a string that holds any non-numeric data entered and uses its parent’s what()...

Complete the following tasks:

a. Create a NonNumericException class that inherits from runtime_error. The class

contains a string that holds any non-numeric data entered and uses its parent’s what()

function to display an appropriate error message.

b. Create a class that holds customer orders. Include an order number, quantity ordered, price

each, and total which will be calculated as quantity times price. Also include overloaded

insertion and extraction operators. Overload the extraction operator so that the following


» If any numeric data is not entered as a number, throw a NonNumericException.

» If the entered order number is numeric but more than four digits, throw an

appropriate message.

» If the entered order quantity is over 50, throw the quantity.

» If the entered price each is more than $39.95, throw the price.

» If the total (quantity times price) is more than $1000.00, throw the Order object.

c. Write a program that creates an array of five orders. Accept data for each one from the user.

Catch and handle the errors as follows:

» If the order number was numeric but more than four digits, display a message and

force the user to renter the number.

» If the order total was more than the $1000 limit, accept the Order but display a

message asking the order taker to check the customer’s credit limit.

» If any other exception occurs, display an appropriate message and set all the order

values to zeroes.

» If no exceptions occur, accept the Order.

» After five Orders are accepted, display them.

Save the program as OrderExceptions.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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