Complete the following tasks: a. Create a base class named Rectangle that includes data members for the length and width of a Rectangle, as well as functions to assign and display those values. Derive...

Complete the following tasks:

a. Create a base class named Rectangle that includes data members for the length and

width of a Rectangle, as well as functions to assign and display those values. Derive

a class named Block that contains an additional data member to store height, and

contains functions to assign and display the height. Write a main()function that

demonstrates the classes by instantiating and displaying the values for both a Rectangle

and a Block. Save the file as RectangleAndBlock.cpp.

b. Add a member function to the Rectangle class that computes the area of a Rectangle

(length multiplied by width). Add a member function to Block that has the same

name, but overrides the computation with a volume calculation (length by width by

height). Write a main()function that demonstrates the classes. Save the file as


May 19, 2022

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