Complete the code below according to the instructions below and the example test: method withdraw throws an exception if amount is greater than balance. For example: Test Result Account account = new...

Complete the code below according to the instructions below and the example test:

method withdraw throws an exception if amount is greater than balance.

For example:


Account account = new Account("Acct-001","Juan dela Cruz", 5000.0); account.withdraw(5500.0);

System.out.println("Balance: "+account.getBalance());

Insufficient: Insufficient funds.

Balance: 5000.0

Account account = new Account("Acct-001","Juan dela Cruz", 5000.0); account.withdraw(500.0);

System.out.println("Balance: "+account.getBalance());

Balance: 4500.0

Incomplete java code:

public class Account{
    private String accntNumber;
    private String accntName;
    private double balance;

    public Account(){}
    public Account(String num, String name, double bal){
        accntNumber = num;
        accntName = name;
        balance = bal;

    public double getBalance(){ return balance;}
//your class here

Jun 09, 2022

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