Complete lines of code so the do while loop will execute and produce the output shown here. The output is: Time for fun! String message; Char letter; Int count; Int lengthOfMessage; Message=”Time for...

Complete lines of code so the do while loop will execute and produce the output shown here.

The output is: Time for fun!

String message;

Char letter;

Int count;

Int lengthOfMessage;

Message=”Time for fun!”;


//calculate length of message

lengthOfMessage = _________________;   //fill in

//Output the message one letter at a time until entire message is output on the screen



//extract one letter from the message

letter= message. _____________;  //fill in

//output the letter in the screen

cout <>

//determine moving the output pointer to next line



//increment the count

____________________;  //fill in


while (____________________);  //fill in

lengthOfMessage = ____________________;  //fill in



//extract one letter to the screen

letter = message._____________; //fill in

//output the letter to the screen


//determine moving the output pointer to the next line based on letter

if (____________________);  //fill in




//increment the count

______________________;  //fill in


while ( _____________); //fill in



Jun 09, 2022

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