it is in the file
Complete exercise 4 (abb, IRB140) in the lab sheets. Deliverables: · MATLAB program · A word document details the result of 5.a.1, errors of the robot wrist center (sx, sy and sz) with q = (0,0,0,0,0) and q = (pi/3, pi/4, pi/5,pi/6,pi/7,pi/8). Note: Use the following m file to start off the exercise. clc close all %Generate a random number of 5000 M = 3002; r = 0.002.*randn(M,1); %scatter(1:M,r); %Load robot myRobot = load_robot; %Calculate the end-effector location with random error. %********************* %********************* close all; figure; scatter(1:3000,distError); figure; subplot(3,1,1),scatter(1:3000,xError(1,:)); subplot(3,1,2),scatter(1:3000,xError(2,:)); subplot(3,1,3),scatter(1:3000,xError(3,:)); figure; hist(distError,50);