complete a program to demonstrate the skills for this learning competency for your selected language path.
Note: If your language of choice is Web Development, you will need tocomplete the exercises in both PHP and JavaScript.
Using the language in which you have chosen to focus: C#, Java, web development languages (PHP and JavaScript), please complete the following assessment:
The program for this assessment will consist of three sections, each headed by the three-line comment below:
//****Assessment IT213M2 Section X
(where X stands for the portion of the assessment to follow)
Section 1:
1. Enter the comment with the section title.
2. Using awhile loopstructure, create a loop based on a counter variable which will cycle through 10 iterations.
3. With each iteration of the loop, request a grade from the user and add it to a running total.
4. After the loop has ended, print to the console the overall total and the class average.
5. Define any appropriate variables you need.
Section 2:
1. Enter the comment with the section title.
2. Create a set oftwo nestedforloops.
3. The outer loop will iterate from 5 to 1, decrementing by 1 with each consecutive iteration. Use the letter ‘k’ for its counter variable name.
4. The inner loop will iterate from 0 to 10 by 2. Use the letter ‘i’ for its counter variable.Hint: Use the += operator to increment by 2.
5. With each iteration of the inner loop, print both loop index values such as
k = 5, i = 0
Section 3:
1. Enter the comment with the section title.
2. Use a while loop to process user entered numbers.
3. Inform the user to enter a positive number to be added to the total or -1 to end.
4. With each iteration of the loop, add the user entered value to a running total.
5. End the loop when the user enters -1 and do not add that value to the running total.
6. Once the loop ends, print the total of the numbers entered, (excluding the sentinel value -1.)
7. Define the appropriate variables needed.
Enter grade: 88
Enter grade: 78
Enter grade: 98
Enter grade: 99
Enter grade: 67
Enter grade: 78
Enter grade: 79
Enter grade: 100
Enter grade: 87
Enter grade: 56
Total of all 10 grades is 830
Class average is 83
k = 5, i = 0
k = 5, i = 2
k = 5, i = 4
k = 5, i = 6
k = 5, i = 8
k = 5, i = 10
k = 4, i = 0
k = 4, i = 2
k = 4, i = 4
k = 4, i = 6
k = 4, i = 8
k = 4, i = 10
k = 3, i = 0
k = 3, i = 2
k = 3, i = 4
k = 3, i = 6
k = 3, i = 8
k = 3, i = 10
k = 2, i = 0
k = 2, i = 2
k = 2, i = 4
k = 2, i = 6
k = 2, i = 8
k = 2, i = 10
k = 1, i = 0
k = 1, i = 2
k = 1, i = 4
k = 1, i = 6
k = 1, i = 8
k = 1, i = 10
Enter a positive number to be added to the total or -1 to end. 3
Enter a positive number to be added to the total or -1 to end. 4
Enter a positive number to be added to the total or -1 to end. 5
Enter a positive number to be added to the total or -1 to end. 8
Enter a positive number to be added to the total or -1 to end. -1
The sum of all numbers entered is 20