Compare and contrast the cable news broadcasts of BillO'Reillyor Tucker Carlson (Fox News) and RachelMaddowor LawrenceO’Donnel(MSNBC) covering the same topic. You may pick episodes from these shows...

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Compare and contrast the cable news broadcasts of BillO'Reillyor Tucker Carlson (Fox News) and RachelMaddowor LawrenceO’Donnel(MSNBC) covering the same topic. You may pick episodes from these shows dating back one calendar year for this activity. Each program can be accessed on the parent network's website or anonlinevideo archive (YouTube,Hulu, Google video, etc). Watch each program for a minimum of 10 minutes, to ensure the topic was fully addressed from introduction to conclusion.
Then, think about and respond to the following questions.

1. What was the lead story? What level of priority did political news receive?2. What were the similarities and differences did you observe in the general nature of the stories which received coverage?

3. What did you see/hear that was relevant to your reading about the media in our text?

4. Was their a political bias to the presentation? If so, what was it (i.e., liberal or conservative)? Was it more or less obvious on one network rather than other?
5. How does this bias affect you as a viewer? As a thinker? As a voter or potential voter?
Answered Same DayMar 17, 2021

Answer To: Compare and contrast the cable news broadcasts of BillO'Reillyor Tucker Carlson (Fox News) and...

Malvika answered on Mar 18 2021
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Comparison and Contrast on broadcast by Bill O’Reilly
and Rachel Maddow about Obama’s Legacy
    Bill O’ Reilly, the host of ‘The O’ Reilly Factor’ on Fox News and Rachel Maddow of the ‘Maddow Show’ on MSNBC have broadcasted news about Barack Obama, which is being discussed. Rachel Maddow shows certain old pictures of the White House press reporters and all of them are males since very long (MSNBC). It was in the 1940’s that people saw first female reporter. And then in the time of Obama, it was noticed that he takes maximum questions from the female reporters, which is further accentuated by Bill O’Reilly. It was observed in the press conference where Obama made a statement and then took questions from four female reporters only.
The similarities observed were that the talk show hosts leave no stone unturned in telling the public about the stories. Both Bill O’ Reilly and Rachel Maddow do their homework before presenting their topic and then present it with full facts and records. The differences observed were in the stories that received coverage in the respective...

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