COMP 2402 Winter 2022
Assignment 2
Due: Thursday February 10 2:00pm
Topic focus: Lec 5 - 8
lates accepted within 24 hours
submit early and often
Academic Integrity
You may:
● Discuss general approaches with course staff,
● Discuss general approaches with your classmates,
● Use code and/or ideas from the textbook,
● Use a search engine / the internet to look up basic Java syntax,
● Send your code / screen share your code with course staff (although it is unlikely the
course staff has the bandwidth to look at individuals’ code, unfortunately.)
You may not:
● Send or otherwise share code or code snippets with classmates,
● Use code not written by you, unless it is code from the textbook (and you should cite it in
● Use a search engine / the internet to look up approaches to the assignment,
● Use code from previous iterations of the course, unless it was solely written by you,
● Use the internet to find source code or videos that give solutions to the assignment.
If you ever have any questions about what is or is not allowable regarding academic integrity,
please do not hesitate to reach out to course staff. We will be happy to answer. Sometimes it is
difficult to determine the exact line, but if you cross it the punishment is severe and out of our
hands. Any student caught violating academic integrity, whether intentionally or not, will be
reported to the Associate Dean and be penalized as follows:
● First offence: F in the course.
● Second offence: One-year suspension from program.
● Third offence: Expulsion from the University.
These are standard penalties. More-severe penalties will be applied in cases of egregious
offences. For more information, please see Carleton University's Academic Integrity Policy.
Coding Environment Setup
If you want suggestions on how to set up your coding environment, please watch this video or
read the “Setting Up Your Programming Environment” post on piazza.
If you want Alexa’s 20-minute “Assignment 1 setup” video, please go here. The setup for
assignment 1 is almost identical to that of assignment 2 so there will not be a new video.
How to Get Help
Problem Solving & Assignment Tips Document
● We made this document just for you, full of tips to help you complete your programming
assignments faster and better! We will add to it as the course progresses, and you are
welcome to add your suggestions as well.
● Good for getting a quick response, since it goes to a wider audience than email.
● Good for viewing questions that other students have. Chances are, if you have the
question, so does someone else. If tagged correctly (e.g. “a2” for assignment 2), you can
easily see all questions relating to a particular subject.
● Good for general questions that don’t divulge your approach (e.g. “Am I allowed to use
standard JCF data structures in my solution?” “Does anyone else get this strange “file
not found” error when submitting?” etc.)
● Good for asking specific-to-you questions of the course staff, which you can ask
“privately” on piazza. This gets you the benefits of a wider audience yet keeps your
personal details private to course staff. (You can and should also contact Alexa this
Student Hours
● Good for quick questions that may have some back and forth.
● Good for clarifications.
● Good for “tips and tricks”.
● Not good for debugging sessions. The person holding the student hour may have many
people waiting, and as such cannot spend 20 minutes helping you debug, unfortunately.
They may give you a push in the right direction, then ask you to go back in line while you
work with that push, while they help someone else.
● Good for light social interactions and commiseration.
● Please remember that this discord is an official class discord, and as such you should
keep your behaviour “professional”. Please be respectful. Jokes are great, just not at the
expense of an individual or a specific group. Disrespectful behaviour (intentional or not)
will be met with our zero-tolerance policy (removal from server.)
● This is not a good place for asking questions, as the course staff will be spending most
of their time monitoring piazza. Piazza has a better system for tracking open questions
and answers, and so it is more time efficient for the course staff to spend their time
there instead of discord.
This assignment will be tested and graded by a computer program (and you can submit as
many times as you like, your highest grade is recorded). For this to work, there are some
important rules you must follow:
● Keep the directory structure of the provided zip file. If you find a file in the subdirectory
comp2402w22a2 leave it there.
● Keep the package structure of the provided zip file. If you find a package
comp2402w22a2; directive at the top of a file, leave it there.
● Do not rename or change the visibility of any methods already present. If a method or
class is public, leave it that way.
● Do not change the main(String[]) method of any PartX class. These are setup to
read command line arguments and/or open input and output files. Don't change this
behaviour. Instead, learn how to use command-line arguments to do your own testing.
● Submit early and reasonably often. The submission server compiles and runs your code,
and gives you a mark. You can submit once every 5 minutes and we keep track of your
highest overall score. There is no excuse for submitting code that does not compile or
does not pass tests. The 5 minute wait limit is to prevent you from using the server to
debug, potentially overloading it. (You should debug locally! More on that later.)
● Write efficient code. The submission server places a limit on how much time it will spend
executing your code, even on inputs with a million lines. For some questions it also
places a limit on how much memory your code can use. If you choose and use your data
structures correctly, your code should easily execute within the time limit. Choose the
wrong data structure, or use it the wrong way, and your code will be too slow or use too
much space for the submission server to work (resulting in a failure of that test).
Submitting and Server Tests
The submission server is here. If this is your first time submitting, you will need to get a secret
key which you will then use to upload your assignment to the submission server. If you have
issues, please post to piazza to the Instructors (or the class) and we’ll see if we can help.
When you submit your code, the server runs tests on your code. These are bigger and better
tests than the small number of tests provided in the “Local Tests” section further down this
document. They are obfuscated from you, because you should try to find exhaustive tests of
your own code. This can be frustrating because you are still learning to think critically about
your own code, to figure out where its weaknesses are. But have patience with yourself and
make sure you read the question carefully to understand its edge cases.
Warning: Do not wait until the last minute to submit your assignment. There is a hard 5 second
limit on the time each test has to complete, and 5 minutes between submissions. If the server is
heavily loaded, borderline tests may start to fail. You can submit multiple times and your best
score is recorded so there is no downside to submitting early.
The Assignment
Purpose & Goals
Generally, the assignments in this course are meant to give you the opportunity to practice with
the topics of this course in a way that is challenging yet also manageable. At times you may
struggle and at others it may seem more straight-forward; just remember to keep trying and
practicing, and over time you will improve.
Specifically, assignment 2 aims to improve your understanding of the ArrayStack, LinkedList,
and Skiplist interfaces by:
● Using the ArrayList, LinkedList, and ConcurrentSkiplistSet interfaces to solve a variety of
problems (Part A),
● Implementing some new methods in the IntDLList, DLList, and SkiplistList classes (Part
B), and
● Reflecting on your choice of data structures and algorithms (Part C).
(Alexa made a 20-minute Assignment 1 Setup video that may help you do the following steps; it
is very similar to the setup for Assignment 1.)
Start by downloading and decompressing the Assignment 2 Zip File ( on
piazza’s Resources tab), which contains a skeleton of the code you need to write. You should
have the files:,,,,,,,, and
The skeleton code in the zip file compiles fine. Here's what it looks like when you unzip, compile,
and run Part0 and Part1 from the command line:
a2 % pwd
a2 % ls
a2 % unzip
creating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
inflating: comp2402w22a2/
a2 % ls
a2 % javac comp2402w22a2/*.java
a2 % ls
a2 % ls comp2402w22a2
DLList.class Part0.class Part3.class
IntDLList.class Part1.class Part4.class
MyList.class Part2.class SkiplistList.class
a2 % java comp2402w22a2.Part0
13 [I hit Ctrl-D to end the input here]
3D [The D here is a remnant of the Ctrl-D]
Execution time: 5.986822196
a2 % java comp2402w22a2.Part1
Execution time: 2.2645E-5
You can also run the DLStack and IntDLList programs:
a2 % java comp2402w22a2.IntDLList
<... output="" omitted="">
a2 % java comp2402w22a2.DLList
<... output="" omitted="">
If you are having trouble running these programs, figure this out first before attempting to do
the assignment. Check the assignment 2 FAQ on piazza and/or the aforementioned setup video,
or ask a question there if you are stuck and course staff or another student will likely help you
fairly quickly.
Part A: The Interface
The file in the zip file actually does something. You can use its doIt() method
as a starting point for your solutions. Compile it. Run it. Test out the various ways of inputting
and outputting data. You should not need to modify, it is a template. Do not modify
the main(String[]) methods for any file, as they are expected to remain the same for
the server tests.
You can download some sample input and output files for each question as a zip file (
on piazza’s Resources tab). If you find that a particular question is unclear, you can probably
clarify it by looking at the sample files for that question. Part of problem solving is figuring out
the exact problem you are trying to solve.
You may assume that all lines are integers under 32 bits. If you need some help with modular
arithmetic, try this khan academy page. Unlike assignment 1, let’s just use java’s floorMod(x,d)
to compute x mod d. This always returns a non-negative integer, which will simplify our lives.
1. [8 marks] Given a file where each line is a single (32-bit) integer, read in all lines of the file
one at a time; for each even-indexed line L, find the line prior to it that is closest to but <>
L (if such a line exists) and add it to a sum (modulo 2402) that you will output. For
example, if the input is
2400 ← line 0, an even-indexed line, no lines previous, contributes 0.
100 ← line 2, even-indexed. line 1’s 99 <= 100,="" contributes="">
100 ← line 4, even-indexed. line 2’s 100 <= 100,="" contributes="">
10 ← line 6, even-indexed. no lines previous <= 10,="" contributes="">
Then the output is (99+100)%2402=199. If line 4 had been 99, the output would be
(99+99)=198. If line 4 had been 25 then the output would be (99+0)=99.
Hint: You can and should look at the Java documentation of the data structure you
choose to use to see if there are any useful methods in it that you can use. Relevant
documentation is linked to from the Purpose & Goals section of this assignment.
Note: Please use Math.floorMod instead of % to make everyone’s lives a bit easier.
See the note just before Part 1’s description.
2. [8 marks] (Assignment 1.4 Redux) Given a file where each line is a single (32-bit) integer,
read in all lines of the file one at a time; output the sum modulo 2402 of the 24022022
values obtained as follows: take every xth value from values from the file in sorted order
(where x>0 is a parameter to the doIt method) starting with the first, wrapping around
to process these elements again if necessary, until you have the sum modulo 2402 of
the 24022022 elements. For example, if x=2 and the input is
Then the output is (3+5+7+3+5+7+...) modulo 2402, where we are summing 3, 5, 7
because the values in sorted order are 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; every other element is 3, 5, 7, then
we wrap around and take the same elements again, and so on. If x=3 with this same
example, we would sum (3+6) 24022022/2 times, modulo 2402. If there are not enough
elements to sum you should return 0.
Note: Please use Math.floorMod instead of % to make everyone’s lives a bit easier.
See the note just before Part 1’s description.
3. [10 marks] Given a file where each line is a single (32-bit) integer, read in all lines of the
file one at a time; for each distinct value V, select the smallest value W in the file that is >
2*V and output the sum modulo 2402 of all selected lines. For example, if the input is
4 ← contributes 9 to sum since 9 > 2*4
2 ← contributes 8 to sum since 8 > 2*2 and there is no other value > 2*2 but <>
8 ← contributes nothing to sum since there is no value > 2*8 = 16
9 ← contributes nothing to sum since there is no value > 2*9 = 18
3 ← contributes 8 to sum since 8 > 2*3 and there is no other value >2*3 but <>
2 ← contributes nothing to sum since we’ve already dealt with a 2
10 ← contributes nothing to sum since there is no value > 2*10=20
Then the output is 9+8+8=26 (mod 2402), which is 25.
Note: Please use Math.floorMod instead of % to make everyone’s lives a bit easier.
See the note just before Part 1’s description.
4. [10 marks] Given a non-empty file where each line is a single (32-bit) integer, read in all
lines of the file one at a time; consider the list constructed so that for every
i=0,1,2,...,x-1, we insert the x elements 1,2,3,…,x as a contiguous block at
index curr=list.get(i)%l.size() of the list so far. (As usual, x>0 is a parameter
to the doIt method.) For example, if x=2 and the input is
8 .
When i=0 we insert 1, 2 as a contiguous block at index 4%6=4 to get
Then when i=1 we insert 1, 2 as a contiguous block at index 20%8=4 to get
Once we have this final list we return the sum modulo 2402 of (line i)·(i+1) for
each index i=0,1,...,l.size(). That is, on this example we return
(4·1 + 20·2 + 5·3+9·4+1·5+2·6+1·7+2·8+30·9+8·10) % 2402 = 485
Tip: While this seems convoluted, just take it one step at a time. Focus on the separate
“stages” of this problem; solve and debug one stage first before proceeding to the next.
Get something that works even if it’s “dumb” and then work on improving each part.
Hint: You might want to investigate ListIterators, which allow you to walk through a list
one element at a time, and even add/remove from that list as you walk through it. All of
the interfaces listed in the Purpose & Goals section have ListIterators you can read about
and get from their documentation.
Note: If you downloaded the file prior to Monday Jan 31 2:50pm you’ll want to
download it again to get the updated part4 testing files.
Note: Please use Math.floorMod instead of % to make everyone’s lives a bit easier.
See the note just before Part 1’s description.
Part B: The Implementation
The (provided) DLList, IntDLList,, and SkiplistList classes are (incomplete)
implementations of the MyList interface. Your task is to complete the implementation of the
DLList, IntDLList, and SkiplistList classes, as specified below. Default
implementations are provided for the 4 methods so that you can compile and run the main
methods of the relevant classes right out of the gate; these defaults will not pass any of the
tests, however.
5. [8 marks] (Assignment 1.6 Redux) In the IntDLList class, implement
public void sum(IntDLList other)
Replace the ith element of this IntDLList by this[i] + other[i]. That is, the
elements from this are now each value-shifted by the corresponding entry in other. If
other is shorter than this, just repeat other as many times as is necessary until you
have shifted every element of this once.
For example, if the list is originally mal=[4,5,6,7] and other=[1,2,3] then
mal.sum(other) changes mal to [5, 7, 9, 8].
6. [8 marks] (Assignment 1.7 Redux) In the IntDLList class, implement
public void intervalInsert(IntDLList other)
Modify this IntDLList by inserting -1 into this at intervals specified by other. That
is, there are other[0] elements of this before -1 then the next other[1] elements
of this before the next -1, etc. If other’s intervals do not cover all of this, just
repeat other as many times as is necessary until you have “processed” all of this
For example, if the list is originally ml=[4,5,6,7,8,9] and other=[1,2] then
mal.intervalInsert(other) changes ml to [4,-1,5,6,-1,7,-1,8,9].
You may assume that all entries of other are positive.
7. [12 marks] In the DLList class, implement
public void insertSingleBlock(int i, DLList
which inserts the DLList other at index i of this DLList.
For example, if the list is originally ml=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and other=[-1,-2] then
ml.insertSingleBlock(1, other) changes ml to [1, -1, -2, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7]. You may assume that input i is a valid index (i.e., 0 <= i=""><=>
8. [10 marks] In the SkiplistList class, implement
public String toString()
to return a more useful String representation of the Skiplist than the current
implementation. You will want to overwrite the existing code such that if you were to
print this you would get information about the heights of the nodes and the lengths of
the edges within them. This will really help you in debugging Part 9.
Your string should represent each level of the skiplist on an individual line, where the
sentinel is represented by the pipe |, each level 0 element is divided by the following by
two dashes, then the length of that edge in parentheses, then two more dashes. More
generally, a length L line is 2L-1 pair of dashes, then the length in parentheses, and then
2L-1 more pair of dashes.
For example, a skiplist on 9 elements might be represented by the String
whereas a skiplist on 5 elements might be represented by the String
and a skiplist on 7 elements might be represented by the String
A different skiplist on the same 7 elements might look like this String
The empty skiplist is just
Look at the existing toString() method to help you use the StringBuilder, then
overwrite that code to have the new desired functionality.
9. [12 marks] In the SkiplistList class, implement
public void insertSingleBlock(int i, SkiplistList
which inserts the SkiplistList other at index i of this SkiplistList.
For example, if the list is originally l=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] and other=[-1,-2] then
l.insertSingleBlock(1, other) changes l to [1, -1, -2, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7]. You may assume that input i is a valid index (i.e., 0 <= i=""><=>
Part C: The Debrief
10. [5 marks] Do the assignment 2 debrief (multiple-choice questions) on brightspace after
the programming deadline has passed (and the solutions are available). The debrief
questions are due 8 days after the assignment deadline (in this case, by Friday February
18th, 2:00pm.) No lates accepted.
The debrief questions are meant to encourage retrospection on what you were meant to
learn from the assignment. If you were stuck on a problem, this is an opportunity to look
at the solutions and at the assignment 2 debrief, to figure out what went wrong for you,
and to still learn what you were meant to learn.
It is also an opportunity to provide feedback to Prof Alexa on certain aspects of the
course so far.
Local Tests
For Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, you can download some sample input and output files for each question
as a zip file (, on the Resources tab on piazza). Once you get a sense for how to test
your code with these input files, write your own tests that test your program more thoroughly
(the provided tests are not exhaustive!)
For Parts 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (DLList, IntDLList and SkiplistList), the main method of each
file provides some tests you can and should add / modify as you go along.
Server Tests
See the “Submitting and Server Tests” section further up this document.
Tips, Tricks, and FAQs
For the most up-to-date Assignment-specific FAQ, please see the Assignment 2 FAQ post on
piazza (and/or the a2 filter.)
Regarding tips and tricks, please see the Problem Solving & Assignment Tips document (which
may be enhanced as the semester progresses, so check back frequently!)