Community Health Project Midterm Essay.Writing Guidelines: Double space, New Roman 12 font, follow APA guidelines, Minimum of 5 pages and Maximum 6 pages not including title and reference pages (at least 4 journal scholarly articles). The essay should include the following APA sections: 1) Cover page, 2) Abstract, 3) Main body of paper, 4) Conclusion, and 5) Citation page.• This assignment will consist on:o Selecting and researching on a community and public health Rubricdisease/condition (for example, diabetes, heart disease, STD’s, cancer, etc.) that is prevalent in San Antonio and it is indicated among the Leading PHI’s of the Healthy People 2030. Choose this condition/disease after reading the 2019 Bexar County Community Needs Assessment (Bexar County Health Collaborative) and the Healthy People 2030 Leading PHI’s.o Then, explain how the five major Determinants of Health interact in the cause and development of such a disease, how that disease can be both a Personal and Community Health problem, and what could we personally, and as a community, do to decrease the burden of this health problem.o Save it as: LastNameFirstNamePer&CoHeMidEssay and email it tome in a Word or PDF format.1. Covers all 5 APA sections mentioned in the writing guidelines= 5 points2. Covers all points indicated in the second bullet above= 5 points3. Correct in-text citations/references= 3 pointsa. For example: If you make statements that are not general knowledge, then those statements should be cited [i.e. it is possible that energy drinks, which contain caffeine and taurine, will increase your heart rate and blood pressure (Steinke, L., Lanfear, D.E., Dhanapal, V., Kalus, J.S. 2009). Effect of "energy drink" consumption on hemodynamic and electrocardiographic parameters in healthy young adults. Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 43, 596-602.)].4. Good grammar= 2 points