(comfort.2)Please follow all learning outcome and student want plagiarism report, Dissertation Proposal Form You are required to complete an individual research project of7000 words(inclusive of the...

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(comfort.2)Please follow all learning outcome and student want plagiarism report, Dissertation Proposal Form

You are required to complete an individual research project of7000 words(inclusive of the 1500-2000-word outline submitted for assignment 1). This will be a literature-based research project using secondary research.

Project title:IMPACT OF COVID 19 POLICIES ON MENTAL HEALTH OF ADULT in south east London

Proposed activity – aims, objectives, research question(s),To undertake a research project using secondary research. You are expected to formulate a research question and demonstrate an ability to critically analyse secondary research. Secondary and qualitative research qualitative research, in-text reference for all definitions, explanation, diagrams every other information etc There title should cover some part of London but at the end should be streamline to south east London.

A social problem or policy agenda in the UK will be undertaken. You will extend this through evaluation of academic research and examine potential processes that could be facilitated for community development.

As part of the project students should demonstrate an ability to work independently, a high level of organisational skills as well as demonstrating awareness of issues of health and safety, ethical considerations and time management.

Methodology – rationale, data selection and collection, recruitment, participant demographics, analytical process

Project management

Research Data Management Plan (Describe the data you expect to acquire or generate during this research project, how you will manage, describe, analyse, and store the data and what mechanisms you will use to share and preserve your data.)

Planned outputs/publications/research datasets/impact

Completion of this assignment will address the following learning outcomes:


Demonstrate an ability to work independentlywhilst demonstrating good time management skills in the development of the dissertation.


Formulate a critical awareness of research methodologies and theoretical perspectives.


Critically examine current research from the UK and internationally into health and social determinants within your chosen topic.


Develop personal research skills in use of academic literature, data collection, data analysis, critical thinking and academic writing in order to plan, carry out and write up an undergraduate degree dissertation.

Answered 15 days AfterMar 21, 2021

Answer To: (comfort.2)Please follow all learning outcome and student want plagiarism report, Dissertation...

Shalini answered on Apr 04 2021
150 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Background of the Research    3-4
Research Aim    4
Research Objectives    4
Research Question    4
Significance of the Research    4-5
Literature Review    5-6
Methodology and Methods    6-9
Results and Discussion    9
Results    9-20
Discussion    20-23
Implications    23-24
Conclusion, Reflection & Recommendations    24-25
References    26-27
The recent COVID pandemic has affected the whole world harshly. People living in every corner of the world have suffered due to the spread of the deadly corona virus. The whole world has experienced a trauma like never before no one was prepared for it as it all comes into the scenario quite suddenly. Every section and group of the society was affected including the children, adults, old aged as well as the newborn. The people were quarantined in their houses for a longer period due to the lockdown imposed by the government of the respective countries. After the partial shredding of the lockdown, the next trauma for the people was the several policies and procedures enacted by the government to safeguard the people from getting infected with the virus these policies include the use of masks at public places, social distancing, isolation, quarantine and many more. These policies were impacting the people both physically and mentally. Among all these sufferers the adults of Southeast London were also the ones. The COVID-19 policies
have impacted the mental health of the adults of Southeast London harshly (Atchison et al., 2020).
Background of the Research
The research would focus on how the COVID-19 policies enacted by the government have impacted the mental health of the adults of Southeast London. The research takes into account the issues faced by the adults of southeast London due to the several policies related to the pandemic. Likewise, every country UK government has also enacted policies which could safeguard the citizens from being infected with the disease the policies takes into account the implementation of social distancing at all public places, mandatory use of masks at the public places, using the hand sanitizers at regular intervals, temperature check at all the public places and getting into quarantine if any signs of the infection are noticed (Swami, Horne and Furnham, 2021).
In the initial phase of the pandemic, the countries have imposed complete lockdown in all the states. The UK also has sterilized the complete lockdown which implies that all the schools, colleges, educational institutions, public places, offices, and transportation would be closed except the hospitals and the grocery stores. The people were not allowed to move out from their homes without any proper permission take from the government. The people were forced to stay at home. After the shedding of the lockdown, several other things continued to keep the adults in distress. The research takes into account that how the adults of several parts of Southeast London were still getting affected mentally even after the shedding of lockdown. Why the people traumatized and depressed mentally with the policies that were enacted by the government for their safety. Despite knowing the facts that the policies would ensure their safety the adults are not in the situation to tackle these pressures in the initial stage (Cudjoe and Kotwal, 2020).
Research Rationale
The reason to conduct the research is to analyze the experiences felt by the adults of Southeast London due to the Policies. The overall research will also include how the adults could help themselves in combating these issues and how preferably the government can help to fight the situation. I choose the study as I was very passionate to do detailed research on the mental health condition of the adults of Southeast London as the adults are among one of the least focused groups. I preferably want to gain insight about the most responsible and the least focused section of the society that is the adults. The research would highlight the entire possible mental trauma the adults of Southeast London are facing. The research would focus on providing detailed information regarding the pressure observed and experienced by the adults of Southeast London (Tammes et al., 2020).
Research Question
What kind of mental pressure and trauma the adults of Southeast London faced due to the COVID-19 policies imposed by the government?
Research Aim
The research focuses on analyzing and identifying how the mental health of the adults of Southeast London is getting affected by the COVID-19 policies and the impactful measures that could help in reducing the negative impact of the COVID-19 policies.
Research Objectives
The objectives of the research are as follows
1. Explore the COVID-19 policies imposed by the government of the UK.
2. Analyzing the possible effects of the COVID-19 policies on the mental health of the adults of Southeast London.
3. Exploring the best measures that could help in shedding the ill-effects of the COVID-19 policies on the mental health of adults of Southeast London. The effective measures would provide the basic details regarding how the situation could be effectively managed for the adults of Southeast London.
Significance of the Research
Mental health maintenance is as important as physical health maintenance. The mental health of an individual is something that can influence their performance both positively and negatively. Nowadays the world is taking mental health problems very seriously but still, there is a large section of people who do not feel comfortable speaking on the topics like mental health as they feel it a complete abnormal condition. The recent pandemic has outraged the number of people suffering from an ill mental condition. Bad mental health is not only a normal condition that can impact the person externally rather than it is a condition that impacts the overall performance, self-esteem as well as motivation of an individual. Considering the recent pandemic conditions the government has enacted policies to ensure that the people would protect themselves from getting exposed to the virus by wearing the masks and maintain a complete social distancing so that they could not come in direct contact with the infected person (Clark et al., 2020).
Literature Review
The prevailing COVID pandemic has affected people physically, mentally, emotionally as well as financially. The lockdown period was considered one of the toughest periods of life by the adults of Southeast London. The UK being one of the countries that were impacted a lot by the pandemic the adults of Southeast London were in the hope that with the upliftment of the lockdown their life would be on track they would be leading their life the same as they were living before the pandemic. But the strict and mandatory policies enacted by the UK government were something that came out of the league for them. The adults being the section who are having the most responsibility whether it is their carrier or the family is not able to accept instantly these changes imposed on them.
Right from the moment, they left their houses for their work or for collecting the groceries masks has become the item which is as compulsory as the cell phones for them they thought they could interact with more and more people once they could step out from the houses but the social distancing measures are there to prevent them from doing this. All this makes them feel frustrated and traumatized as they are not ready to face such things after a lot of pressure due to their work and the family (Mahtani, Heneghan and Aronson, 2020).
One of the data presented over the situation states that more than 35% of the adult population experiences serious mental trauma due to the overall stressful situation experienced post the pandemic effects. There is an increased case of anxiety, depression, loss of temper, and loneliness among the adults of Southeast London (Shoari et al., 2020).
The adults were already dealing with the pressure to secure their jobs and manage their family in such tough economic condition the policies enacted by the government are making them feel suffocated and caged. The use of masks was also affecting the people physically as many of the people who have respiratory problems feel it difficult to cover their mouth for a longer period. Though they are leading their normal life they are going to their offices but are not able to spend quality time with their colleagues and friends as the social distancing measures are applied in the offices also where the employees are provided alternate positions to sit, they have to cover their face during traveling so that they could not come into direct contact of any of the person and get infected all of this is working as a nightmare for the adults as they still feel the situation as they are caged (Michie et al., 2020).
The fear of the jobs, family maintenance, and future is putting extra pressure on the mental health and well-being of the adults, and the COVID-19 policies lead them to have less interaction with the outer world people. They do not feel free to discuss their problems with anyone as the society thinks them of a responsible group who should take the responsibility and manage things by own, all these combined creating a traumatizing and pressurizing situation for them which is leading them to sheer loneliness and depression (Smith et al., 2020).
After the shedding of the lockdown in the UK people from different cities of Southeast London including Aldgate, Bow, Colindale, Central London, and many more were seen getting back to their normal routine which means that the adults were getting back to their offices and works. But the normal routine was not as normal as it was used to be as going to the office, markets or traveling anywhere they have to wear masks and maintain the social distancing, which did not make them feel that they are leading a normal life, which makes them feel uncomfortable and depressed. They felt that the isolation and the loneliness they were experiencing during the lockdown days is still the same as due to the social distancing measures they are forced to maintain an equivalent distance from the others whether it is in the public transport, offices, or the grocery stores (Garnett et al., 2021).
Methodology and Methods
The methodological approach provides an overview regarding the overall methods adopted and choose for the conduction of the research. Eventually there are three research approaches quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. The quantitative method is adopted for the objective measurements in the report (Dodds. and Hess, 2020). It helps in the numerical analysis of the data collected through various methods including polls, surveys and questionnaires. It is also used for the manipulation of pre-existing statistical data. Qualitative method relies in analyzing the non-numerical data. It helps in analyzing the data obtained by the researcher through interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, documents and artifacts. The mixed method of the research approach is used for conducting the research that initially involves collecting, analyzing and integrating qualitative and quantitative research (Derek & Karryn, 2020).
Qualitative research is being used as the prime method here. The method aims to collect and focus on gathering and analyzing the view points, thought process, experiences and the mental health condition of the adults of the south-east London due to the COVID-19 policies. In the research the qualitative research method would focus on the data gathered through interviews, focus groups, questionnaires and first-hand observations. The qualitative research method would provide a detailed and in-depth knowledge regarding the issue. Interpretative method would provide a base for the completion of research through using the qualitative approach (Cecilia et al., 2020).
The research work opted here is the critical literature review. The strategies were used to critically analyze the literature used to efficiently analyze the process. The method would provide the information regarding the several aspects of the research.
Search Strategy
Literature searches were conducted using the following search terms: [(COVID* OR “Corona” OR “Pandemic” OR “Lockdown”) AND [(“mental health” OR “adult’s mental health” OR “mental health” OR “UK’ or “South East London”)] . The following database was searched along with LOCATE, the Coventry London University based: Science direct and web of science.
Inclusion Criteria
As the research paper focuses on the data gathered from the secondary research the main data included will be from the secondary sources and the data base selected. As stated for the research purpose the qualitative method is opted which would help in focus to the necessary findings and the information’s related to the research topic. The findings from the peer-reviewed literature would be accounted several academic journals would also be taken into consideration to shed the light on the topic more vigorously. The majority of the data was collected through using LOCATE, the Coventry London University-based that integrates and constitutes all other health-related databases, to collect peer-reviewed articles for the study. The health-related databases and the peer-reviewed articles were closely scrutinized to extract the most useful data for the research process. Grey literature would be included in the research paper (Williams et al., 2020).
Study Selection
The inclusion criteria were applied seeking the relevant information’s attached in the specific databases and the papers that were eventually selected for the research information. The study selection was made very appropriate and was focused on the overall criteria of channelizing the detailed information regarding the facts and data related to the topic. The further selected data was then channelized to extract the overall crucial information that would help extensively in shaping the research. The data collected takes into consideration the most important and authentic information regarding the suffering of the adults of the southeast London in context of their mental health conditions. The evidences represented through the data would channelize the detailed fact regarding the most extensive factors that are haunting the mental health condition of the adults. It would help in strengthening the purpose and base of the research.
Analysis and Synthesis
In the analysis and synthesis the secondary data and the sources are critically analyzed to extract the most subsequent and relevant information’s related to the research along with the data the variables that are closely related to the research topic are also analyzed so that the overall...

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