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College of Education ECU101 Health and Physical Education in Educational Settings 1 | P a g e Assignment 1 Title Essay: Examination of a significant issue in Health and Physical Education Value 50 % Week Due Week 6 Friday, by 11:59pm Length 1500 words, excluding references Learning Outcomes Unit Outcomes: 2, 3, 4 AITSL: 1.1; 1.2; 1.5; 7.3 AQF: 7 Graduate Attributes: Acquisition, Application, Creativity, Knowledge base, Communication, Team work, Social responsibility, Flexibility, Leadership Task Requirements a) Complete an essay that examines a significant issue in Health and Physical Education and explore it in terms of your specific, local context. b) The essay must involve a comprehensive review of the literature (at least 10 journals, no earlier than 2010 publication). The discussion must analyse significant theories and relevant pedagogies about your selected issue and how it applies to the teaching and learning in Health and Physical Education. Within your discussion, ensure you provide an examination about whether the national HPE curriculum addresses your issue (or not) and argue what impacts this may have. c) Submit a 1500-word essay that follows the format of formal academic essay writing, such as that found in journal articles. Your essay must include a thorough APA reference list. Teaching Health and Physical Education to Young People: “The idea is that the students we teach, each person, is a complex system of actions, thoughts and ideas with particular histories and influences, and who interacts with particular contexts in unpredictable and unique ways” (Hunter, 2006, p. 119). Questions that might focus your thinking: • Who are the students that you will be teaching? • What assumptions have we formed about these learners? • How do we as teachers respond to the needs of young people? • Are HPE programs provided in schools responsive to students’ developmental and learning needs? • Are the HPE programs challenging, rewarding and engaging for young people? • How are junior secondary HPE programs being developed to reflect local perspectives or contexts? College of Education ECU101 Health and Physical Education in Educational Settings 2 | P a g e Possible topics to examine as significant issues in Health and Physical Education for Assignment 1: 1. Developing positive student attitudes and participation in health and physical activity. What issue/s may cause a student to avoid participating in health and physical education? How might these issues be overcome? 2. Teaching the HPE Curriculum. What are the issues in delivering the HPE national curriculum? Consider the issues of competing curriculum areas, or leadership attitudes to this non-academic subject area (Hint-NAPLAN priorities). How can the HPE curriculum be successfully delivered? 3. Diversity in teaching Health and Physical Education. What are the barriers for students and what are the challenges for teachers? 4. What role can teachers of HPE play in improving Australia’s obesity epidemic? What are some factors to consider and how might these be overcome? 5. What role does sport education play in the teaching of HPE? What are the advantages and disadvantages of sports education in schooling? Why and how these be addressed? (Hint-competition, skill development, building relationships/friendships/body image) 6. Is literacy and numeracy important in Health and Physical Education? Consider the cross-curriculum priorities, outlined in the national curriculum. What are the challenges that HPE teachers come across when teaching literacy and numeracy in HPE lessons? 7. How might HPE be used in strengthening school engagement, particularly for students at risk of disengaging? What might teachers do to help students enjoy Health and Physical Education? Consider culture difference, students from marginalised/struggling home backgrounds, those experiencing bullying. 8. Body, self, and identity in Health and Physical Education. Consider how this affects student learning and engagement with HPE learning and participation? (Hint- consider female/male body image-the social construction of image). College of Education 3 | P a g e ECU101 Health and Physical Education in Educational Settings ASSIGNMENT 1 MARKING CRITERIA Marking Criteria Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of issues in teaching HPE. Demonstrates how these issues are represented in the HPE National curricula. Local context discussed. HPE key issues have not been identified and discussed. Essay shows little understanding of terms and how they are situated in a National curriculum. Local contexts are not referred to. HPE key issues have been identified and discussed. Essay shows understanding of terms and how they are situated in a National curriculum. Local contexts are generally described. HPE key issues have been identified and discussed comprehensively. Essay shows good understanding about the impact on curriculum, teaching and learning practice. Local contexts are well discussed. HPE key issues have been identified and discussed comprehensive, with distinctive and exceptional insight. Essay shows very good understanding about the impact on curriculum, teaching and learning practice. Local contexts are well explained. HPE key issues have been identified and discussed comprehensive, with distinctive and exceptional insight and Essay shows excellent understanding about the impact on curriculum, teaching and learning practice. Local contexts are well evaluated. Show links to pedagogical theory, models and practice. Uses recent and relevant journal articles to support claims. The essay fails to effectively critique either theories or models of pedagogy. There is no analysis of the curriculum and pedagogy. No recent articles used Articles are not relevant Theories and models of pedagogy referred to. There is limited analysis of teaching practice in terms of curriculum and pedagogy. Limited references. Limited articles cited. The essay effectively critiques theories and models of pedagogy. There is good analysis of teaching practice in terms of curriculum and pedagogy. Readings used to support claims. The essay very effectively critiques theories and models of pedagogy. There is very good analysis of teaching practice in terms of curriculum and pedagogy. Analysis using a range of readings. The essay effectively critiques theories and models of pedagogy excellently. There is extensive analysis of teaching practice in terms of curriculum and pedagogy. College of Education 4 | P a g e ECU101 Health and Physical Education in Educational Settings Unsupported claims made. Provides a summary of articles. Readings used to make claims. Synthesis of reading is outstanding showing depth of analysis. Presents work Presentation lacks Generally clear Well-structured with Presentation is innovative Well-structured with professionally, with structure; poor presentation; paper has coherent presentation; and/or informative; innovative presentation; clear academic writing paraphrasing; over intro, body and effective grammatical strengthened by relevant explicitly identifies the and APA referencing reliance on quotes; conclusion; developed expression; analysis well research; clear and concise key issues; cohesive, style within the word little evidence paper with student’s voice; developed with student’s structure; grammar and grammatically correct limit. has been edited; poor sentences coherent and voice and supported by syntax mostly correct; essay is structure; flexible and expression makes essay grammatically correct; literature and research; cohesive and easy to read sustained use of a wide difficult to read; within word length; some adheres to word length; within word length; range of structures and terminology typographic and /or uses appropriate discriminating use appropriate extensive vocabulary; inappropriate; frequent spelling errors; generally, terminology; minor vocabulary; few typographic very few typographic or spelling/ typographic accurate referencing; typographic and /or spelling or spelling errors; consistently spelling errors; errors; over reliance on originality report detects errors; mostly accurate accurate referencing; consistently accurate quotes; no or some insignificant Referencing. balanced use of references. Referencing. inaccurate reference matches. list. Word limit not adhered to.