Which of the following is the regression equation at the 1% meaning level according to the Minitab output given below for regression analysis?
Extracted text: Coefficients Term Coef T-Value P-Value Constant -3850,92 11.56 0,0024 х1 174,79 6.06 0,0010 x2 179,89 22.35 0,0050 x3 1,38 0.47 0,6361 x4 -138,46 -1.93 0,0535 x5 -13,17 -0.37 0,7103 x6 -68,67 -1.05 0,2918 ŷ = -3850,92 + 174,79 x1 + 179,89 x2 + 1,38x3 – 138,46 x4 – 13,17 x5 – 68,67 x6 O ŷ = -3850,92 + 174,79 xı+ 179,89 x2 ŷ = -3850,92 + 174,79 x1 + 179,89 x, + 1,38x3 – 138,46 x4 – 13,17 x; – 68,67 x6 оу3 1,38х3 — 138,46 х, — 13,17 хз - 68,67 х6