COE files are used by Xilinx to initialize a BRAM. The syntax for a COE file is as shown Consider a system in which 1024 random sample values need to be populated in COE file. The values must be in...

COE files are used by Xilinx to initialize a BRAM. The syntax for a COE file is as shown

Consider a system in which 1024 random sample values need to be populated in COE file. The values must be in the radix 16 and range from 0000 to ffff.

Please follow the following steps -

1.Create and open a new file called “samples.coe”.Open it an appropriate mode so

a new file is created first time and it is opened in write as well as read mode.

2. Write two lines of comments at the top (through the program) - starting with

semi-colons. These are 1024 sample values in range 0000 to ffff, ; Random Vector 0

3. Write the next two statements to COE file (through the program) - memory_ initialization_ radix = 16; memory_ initialization_ vector =

4. Generate 1024 random sample values and write them into the file, each line ending with a comma except the last one ending with a semi-colon

May 19, 2022

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