code must be for c++ Exam Grader – Vector Version Rewrite Homework 7a, assuming that you have no idea what the size of the CorrectAnswer file is. Since you don’t know how big the file is (i.e. how...

code must be for c++

Exam Grader – Vector Version

Rewrite Homework 7a, assuming that you have no idea what the size of the

CorrectAnswer file is. Since you don’t know how big the file is (i.e. how many

multiple choice questions there were to grade), then a better choice of sequence

containers might be the vector instead of the array. Use the same files,

CorrectAnswers.txt, and StudentAnswers.txt, as before but this time determine the

number of questions to grade from the size of the Vector that you make when you load

all CorrectAnswers.txt into the CorrectAnswer Vector. You will then want to check

to be sure that the StudentAnswers.txt file contains the same number of answers as the

CorrectAnswers file, when you load those into a second Vector holding

StudentAnswers. Below are the requirements for this program.

• The output should look pretty much the same as that in Homework 7A.

• Name your program: YourName-HwrkVII.cpp .

• A list of the questions (by number) missed by the Student, showing the correct

answer, and the incorrect answer provided by the student for each missed


• The total number of questions missed.

• The percentage of questions answered correctly.

• Make sure your name is displayed along with your data.

• Also, always be sure that your name appears as a comment at the top of your


• Your program should test to be sure that there are the same number of answers

given in the StudentAnswers.txt file as there are Questions in the

CorrectAnswers.txt file.

o If there are not, then the program should stop, displaying on the screen

that the StudentAnswers.txt file does not have the same number of

answers as there are questions. You can use a cin.get(); to hold the error

display on the screen.

• Be sure to use Vectors, not Arrays, to obtain your result.

• Do not make the assumption that the CorrectAnswers.txt file and the

StudentAnswers.txt file have only 20 questions. They could have any number.

Below is a re-statement of Homework07A.

One of your professors has asked you to write a program to grade the final exams,

which consist of only multiple-choice questions. Each question has one of four

possible answers: A, B, C, or D. The file CorrectAnswers.txt contains the correct

answers for all of the questions, with each answer written on a separate line. The first

line contains the answer to the first question, the second line contains the answer to

the second question, and so forth.

Write a program that reads the contents of the CorrectAnswers.txt file into a char

array, and then reads the contents of another file, containing a student’s answers,

called StudentAnswers.txt, into a second char array. The program should determine

the number of questions that the student missed and then display the following:

• A list of the questions (by number) missed by the Student, showing the correct

answer, and the incorrect answer provided by the student for each missed


• The total number of questions missed.

• The percentage of questions answered correctly.

// Exam Grader





using namespace std;

const int MAXNUM= 20;

int main()


// Read in the Correct Answers from its file and put them in the answers[] Array

ifstream inputFile;"CorrectAnswers.txt");

char answers[MAXNUM];

for (int i=0; i


if( !(inputFile >> answers[i]))


cout <>



} inputFile.close();

// Read in the Student Answers from its file and put them in the studentAns[] Array

ifstream inFile;"StudentAnswers.txt");

char studentAns[MAXNUM];

for (int i=0; i


if( !(inFile >> studentAns[i]))


cout <>



} inFile.close();

// Now compare the Student Answers to the Correct Answers and output wrong answers and correction

int numberWrong=0;

int questNum;

double percentage;

cout <>

for (int i=0; i


if (answers[i] != studentAns[i])


cout <><>





// Now output the percent correct on the quiz

cout <><>

percentage = 100.00*(MAXNUM- numberWrong)/MAXNUM;

cout <><>

return 0;


May 19, 2022

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