Cloud computing handles resources, data and information in certain ways: A It provides them as services over the internet. B It allows them to be transmitted to assorted machines across the internet....

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Cloud computing handles resources, data and<br>information in certain ways:<br>A It provides them as services over the<br>internet.<br>B It allows them to be transmitted to<br>assorted machines across the internet.<br>C Allows them to be used over the internet,<br>where they are found.<br>D Allows them to be used more efficiently<br>than on stand-alone devices.<br>

Extracted text: Cloud computing handles resources, data and information in certain ways: A It provides them as services over the internet. B It allows them to be transmitted to assorted machines across the internet. C Allows them to be used over the internet, where they are found. D Allows them to be used more efficiently than on stand-alone devices.

Jun 10, 2022

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