clear; clc; reservoirH =input("Enter the depth of water in the reservoir: "); input("Enter depth of water in dam (from the top): "); damBaseH = g=9.81; rho=1000; reservoirPressure=rho*g*reservoirH;...

Create a flowchart and pseudocode in this matlab script

clear;<br>clc;<br>reservoirH =input(

Extracted text: clear; clc; reservoirH =input("Enter the depth of water in the reservoir: "); input("Enter depth of water in dam (from the top): "); damBaseH = g=9.81; rho=1000; reservoirPressure=rho*g*reservoirH; damPressure=rho*g*damBaseH; display("Pressure of water in reservoir: "+reservoirPressure+" Pascals"); display ("Pressure of water in dam: "+damPressure+" Pascals");

Jun 10, 2022

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