Classify the following requirements as stable or volatile requirements ? Requirement description Stable / Volatile The system shall be configurable so that it shall comply with the requirements of all...

Classify the following requirements as stable or volatile requirements ?<br>Requirement description<br>Stable /<br>Volatile<br>The system shall be configurable so that it shall comply with the<br>requirements of all (where relevant) international copyright legislation.<br>The system shall support the management of ordering and supplying all<br>types of documents, both digitized and non-digitized.<br>Users shall access the system via standard web browsers such as Netscape<br>and Internet Explorer.<br>There shall be two types of accounts: individual and group accounts. In<br>general, individual accounts shall have access to more services than group<br>accounts.<br>The system shall not compute sales tax on shipping charges<br>

Extracted text: Classify the following requirements as stable or volatile requirements ? Requirement description Stable / Volatile The system shall be configurable so that it shall comply with the requirements of all (where relevant) international copyright legislation. The system shall support the management of ordering and supplying all types of documents, both digitized and non-digitized. Users shall access the system via standard web browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer. There shall be two types of accounts: individual and group accounts. In general, individual accounts shall have access to more services than group accounts. The system shall not compute sales tax on shipping charges

Jun 10, 2022

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