class Polynomial: class TermNode: def __init__(self, coefficient: int, exponent: int) -> None: """Initialize this node to represent a polynomial term with the given coefficient and exponent. Raise...

class Polynomial:

class TermNode:
def __init__(self, coefficient: int, exponent: int) -> None:
"""Initialize this node to represent a polynomial term with the
given coefficient and exponent.

Raise ValueError if the coefficent is 0 or if the exponent
is negative.
if coefficient == 0:
raise ValueError("TermNode: zero coefficient")
if exponent <>
raise ValueError("TermNode: negative exponent")

self.coeff = coefficient
self.exp = exponent = None

def __init__(self, coefficient: int = None, exponent: int = 0) -> None:
"""Initialize this Polynomial with a single term constructed from the
coefficient and exponent.

If one argument is given, the term is a constant coefficient
(the exponent is 0).
If no arguments are given, the Polynomial has no terms.

# Polynomial with no terms:
>>> p = Polynomial()
>>> print(p._head)
>>> print(p._tail)

# Polynomial with one term (a constant):
>>> p = Polynomial(12)
>>> p._head.coeff
>>> p._head.exp
>>> print(

# Polynomial with one term:
>>> p = Polynomial(12, 2)
>>> p._head.coeff
>>> p._head.exp
>>> print(
# A polynomial is stored as a singly linked list. Each node stores
# one term, with the nodes ordered in descending order, based on the
# exponent. (The head node is the term with the highest exponent,
# and the tail node is the term with the lowest exponent.)
if coefficient is None and exponent == 0:
self._head = None
self._head = Polynomial.TermNode(coefficient, exponent)
self._tail = self._head

def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Return a string representation of this polynomial.

# Polynomial with no terms:
>>> p = Polynomial()
>>> str(p)

# Polynomial with one term (a constant):
>>> p = Polynomial(12)
>>> str(p)

# Polynomials with one term:
>>> p = Polynomial(12, 1)
>>> str(p)

>>> p = Polynomial(12, 2)
>>> str(p)

# See __add__ for string representations of polynomials with
# more than one term.
s = ''
node = self._head

while node is not None:
s += str(node.coeff)

if len(s):
s += '+'

if node.exp == 1:
s += 'x'
elif node.exp > 1:
s += 'x^' + str(node.exp)

node =

return s

def __add__(self, rhs: 'Polynomial') -> 'Polynomial':
""" Return a new Polynomial containing the sum of this polynomial
and rhs.

Raise ValueError if either polynomial has no terms.

>>> p1 = Polynomial(12, 2)
>>> p2 = Polynomial(-3, 1)
>>> p3 = Polynomial(7)
>>> p1 + p2

>>> p1 + p3

>>> p1 + p2 + p3 # Equivalent to (p1 + p2) + p3

>>> p2 = Polynomial(3, 1)
>>> p1 + p2 + p3
poly = Polynomial.Termnode()
node = self._head
node2 = rhs._head

while node or node2 is not None:
if node.exp == node2.exp:
coeff = node.coeff + node2.coeff

Please help me in implementing the __add__ function. Do not modify __str__. I am not getting how I am supposed to create and add a new node and add it to the empty Polynomial class. The incomplete function is below. Indentation dont work so only the first __init__ is inside TermNode. Only answer if you can.

Jun 11, 2022

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