class compare contrast medical diet plan vs fad diet
Page 1 of 1 Module F Discussion assignment: Compare & Contrast 2 Topics in Chapter 9 Highlight 9: Dieting (pp. 289-291) To Begin: First, read this Directions document carefully. Next, read both “Chapter 9 Highlight 9: Dieting (pp. 289-291)” AND the Module F “Selected Readings.” (“Selected Readings” are Column 3 in your Course Schedule.) Your point total: Read carefully to the end for more on these grading criteria. I grade on your ability to compare & contrast the topics you choose, as follows: 1. Compare, 2. Contrast and 3. Answer to Question (+5 each for +15/30) Good use of English language including grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation (+5/30) Always paraphrase (Never use quotes) (+5/30) Word count at the end of your paragraph (+5/30) To Write a Full Credit Discussion (30 points): This assignment is to compare & contrast 2 topics from Chapter 9 Highlight 9: Dieting (pp. 289-291). To receive full credit, you MUST use content from (a) Highlight 9, and (b) Module F ‘Selected Readings’ in Column 3 of your Course Schedule. You will choose the 2 topics to compare and contrast. For example, you may choose 2 topics you recognize in Highlight 9. Or, you may choose biggest differences in the dieting practices. Or, you may choose any other topics on your own. You will not be judged on what you choose to compare & contrast. More important than the 2 topics you choose is your ability to “compare & contrast,” also part of your course OUTCOMES for Nursing. Remember as you read How to Compare & Contrast: (next), you must use your own words, only. This is called paraphrasing when you say in your own words what another has said differently. The point? Never use quotes from the textbook or docs to compare & contrast in our course. How to Compare & Contrast: The purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to analyze the similarities and differences of 2 distinct topics. A good compare/contrast essay doesn't only point out how the topics are similar or different. It uses those points to make a meaningful argument about the value of the topics. Help is here: You are comparing & contrasting 2 of the dieting practices detailed in Highlight 9. Use only content from Highlight 9 and Module F “Selected Readings.” Use no other resources/references; I will not accept others. I know the Highlight 9 and textbook chapters well. I will only judge your ability to compare & contrast based on these. Writing Decisions: As you write your discussion, also answer one of these questions. You can’t get full credit without answering at least one. A. “Why do consumers (or you) continue to follow “fad diets?” B. “What should be included in a sound, scientifically-based weight loss plan?” To prepare your assignment: Write and save a (Microsoft Office) Word document. Do not write at first in the Reply text box; this will not reliably save your work. Use Word to check English language including spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Word also has a word # count option. RECORD your word # count at the end of your Discussion. RECORDING word count is part of your grade. I will not look for word count anywhere else but the last words at the end of your Discussion. Limit your discussion to 125-150 words total. You will not be judged on the number of words unless you write fewer than 125 or more than 150 words. (I do not read beyond 150 words so what you write too much of will not count toward your grade.) Save your Word doc to your private computer in case you want to keep editing or need in the future. (Your Word doc will not save on public computers in labs or libraries; use your device here.) To Hand In: Copy and paste your discussion to my Discussion Board. Click the Reply arrow to paste in your text box which appears. IMPORTANT: Click "Submit" or "Post Reply" to post or I can’t see your Reply to grade (even if you can see). You will not be able to edit your post once it is submitted. I do not grade two submits so make sure your post is correct when you submit. Do not ask me to check if it submitted for you. I do not do for you what you can do for yourself. To check, return to click on the assignment, and scroll down to see your own post in the order it was submitted. There will also be no future re-dos so do correctly the first time. BEST WISHES ON FULL CREDIT ASSIGNMENT! Course Schedule … The most important document directing course activities … HUN 1201 Human Nutrition Summer C-Full Term 2019 Dr. Weerts, PhD, Dietitian/Nutritionist Module DATE Module / Chapters Selected Readings Module Assignments Wed. May 8 - Wed. May 15 (1 wk) INTRODUCTION to our Course Online & Canvas None Three Goals Discussion (10 pts) Scavenger Hunt Quiz (20 pts) DUE DATE: by May 15 Wed. May 15 - Wed. May 22 (1 wk) Module A / Healthy Diets Chapters 1-2 Selected Readings: 1.1, 1.2, 1.6 2.1, 2.2 Menu Switch-Up: HOME (40pt) Quiz A (75 pts) DUE DATE: by May 22 Wed. May 22 - Wed. May 29 (1 wk) Module B / Macronutrients Chapters 4-6 Selected Readings: 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 5.3, 5.5, 5.6 6.2, 6.5 Compare & Contrast Nutrition Trends 2017-2018 (30pts) Quiz B (75 pts) DUE DATE: by May 29 Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day holiday Wed. May 29 - Wed. June 5 (1 wk) Module C / Micronutrients & Water Chapters 10-13 Selected Readings: 10.1, 10.3, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 (select calcium only) 13.1, 13.2 (iron only) Flash Cards - Midterm (40 pts) Quiz C (75 pts) DUE DATE: by June 5 Wed. June 5 – Wed. June 12 (1 wk) Modules A-C / Chapters 1-2, 4-6, 10-13 Optional Quiz Retake Choose ONE of A-C Optional Quiz Retake: (keep highest score) DUE DATE: by June 12 Wed. June 12 – Wed. June 26 (2 wks) Module D / MIDTERM Chapters 1-2, 4-6, 10-13 All Selected Readings from Modules A-C Midterm Exam (150 pts) DUE DATE: by June 26 Wed. June 26 – Wed. July 3 (1 wk) Module E / Metabolism & Energy Balance Chapters 7-8 Selected Readings: 7.1, 7.2, Figure 7.2, 7.3 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.5 Menu Switch-Up: OUT (40 pts) Quiz E (75 pts) DUE DATE: by July 3 Thursday, July 4th – Independence Day holiday Wed. July 3 - Wed. July 10 (1 wk) Module F / Diet & Fitness in Weight & Disease Chapters 9, 14, 18 Selected Readings: 9.1, 9.5, 14.1, 14.2, 14.5 18.2, 18.7 Compare & Contrast Highlight 9: Dieting (30pts) Quiz F (75 pts) DUE DATE: by July 10 Wed. July 10 – Wed. July 17 (1 wk) Module G / Nutrition in the Life Cycle Chapters 15-17 Selected Readings: 15.1, 15.4, 15.6 16.1, 17.3, 17.5 Flash Cards - Final (40 pts) Quiz G (75 pts) DUE DATE: by July 17 Tuesday, July 16th – Last day to drop with ‘W’ Wed. July 17 – Wed. July 24 (1 wk) Modules E-G / Chapter 7-9, 14-18 Optional Quiz Retake Choose ONE of E-G Optional Quiz Retake: (keep highest score) DUE DATE: by July 24 Wed. July 24 - Sat. Aug. 10 (2+ wks) Module H / FINAL Chapters 8-9, 14-18 All Selected Readings Modules E-G Final Exam (150 pts) DUE DATE: by Sat. Aug. 10 *Discussion activities in blue Points = 1000 Total