CIS 125 Homework #2
Input / Process / Output Assignment
50 Points Total
Please submit your answers in a Word or PDF file format for the following questions.
Programs (25 Points Each)
Directions for Programs (Read
and follow
- Create the following programs in Python that perform the purpose described and show the sample output (with user input where applicable).
- Include at least three lines of comments/remarks in each program, including your name, the date, and a description of the program.
- Upload your .py source files to Moodle for each of the programs listed.
- Upload
into your assignment a
Word file containing the output of your program and the screenshot of the run.
- Add pseudocode or a flowchart for
of the two programs below and add it to your Word/PDF document.
- Be sure to adhere to the college and course academic honesty policy.
1. Prompt the user to enter their name and then their height using two separate inputs, one for feet and one for inches. You should have two variables and ask for feet first, then inches. Display the following based on what they enter: “Bill, you are 5 feet 2 inches tall”.
Sample Run:
What is your name? Bill
How many feet (without inches) are you tall? 5
And how many inches over that feet? 8
Bill, you are 5 feet 8 inches tall
2. Design and create a program that calculates the total bill for a meal at a restaurant. First, prompt the user for the cost of the meal. Calculate the tip off of the meal using a 15% tip. Calculate the tax off of the meal using a 6% rate. Display the total cost of the meal (including meal, tip and taxes) to the user rounding the amount to two digits to the right of the decimal place, use the tab character and spaces to ensure the numeric user input and output are aligned in a second column as shown in the sample output below and include a $ before the amount.
Sample Run:
How much was the meal?$ 100
Your total bill comes to:$ 121.00
CIS 125 Project: Rubric
Developing – Syntax
(up to 60%)
Developing – Logic
(up to 90%)
Program 1
1 – 15 pts
Program does not run (has >= 1 syntax error), but has some semantically correct logic.
16 – 25 pts
Program runs, but has some semantic/logic errors.
30 pts
Program runs 100% correct
Program 2
1 – 15 pts
Program does not run (has >= 1 syntax error), but has some semantically correct logic.
16 – 25 pts
Program runs, but has some semantic/logic errors.
30 pts
Program runs 100% correct