Technical Briefing Paper - Report Template Title Abstract (150~250 words – not included in the word count) 1. Introduction (~300 words) Tip: 2. Technical Chapters (~2,500) Research Tip: Use the...

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Technical Briefing Paper - Report Template Title Abstract (150~250 words – not included in the word count) 1. Introduction (~300 words) Tip: 2. Technical Chapters (~2,500) Research Tip: Use the following Engineering Library Subjects Guides for research planning · Planning, searching, reading & note-taking tips, writing tips – the details in this guide supports the 8 steps recommended in the task sheet (‘What you will do’) · The Energy Management and Environmental Engineering Library guides, provide recommended texts, databases and journals to save you time in the research step. Referencing Tip: Follow the QUT APA referencing style guide in CiteWrite Visit HiQ or use the Library online chat for help with referencing & research. Structure Tip: Organise these subsections according to your topic area and research themes 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 3. Conclusion (~300-500) Tip: Recommendations may be included here, dependent on your research topic and task. Reference List (not included in the total word count) Tip: Follow the QUT APA referencing guidelines. Updated 18.10.2018 Page 1 of 1 Technical Brief Technical Brief 2019 1 ENN544: Assessment 4 Task Description: Technical Briefing Paper Task Prepare a technical briefing paper on the chosen topic relating to sustainable development (from the selection provided), in the context of your project. You should explain the steps needed to achieve the objectives of sustainable development in relation to the selected topic. In the briefing paper, you should demonstrate your ability to read, review and reference academic and other literature, write in a manner suitable for a technical document and to structure and format the paper. Your intended audience is your profession. Unit Learning Outcomes Addressed • Analyse environmental quality, including environmental sampling, analysis, quality assurance and control, and interpretation to inform an impact assessment • Exemplify an appreciation of sustainable development practices and ability to apply appropriate techniques • Competence in engineering investigation and reporting with particular emphasis on literature searching and review and communicating the various aspects of topic area in written form Due Date 11:59pm, Thursday 31st October, Week 14 Marks 25% of unit total, individual assessment Specifications Individual submission Online Submission via QUT “Turnitin”, information on Blackboard website Refer to the template provided for the word count for the various sections Overview This task requires you to select one topic from the list provided relating to sustainable development and to write a technical briefing paper on that topic. There is a limit of one student per topic, and if a particular topic has a full quota, you will need to select another option. You will draw heavily on the research and learnings from your other assessment items this semester, and the content provided during the lectures. You will be required to draw on academic literature (i.e. journal and conference papers, books), government and industry reports, reference materials (i.e. books, magazines, guidelines) in order to write a paper that includes academic literature and demonstrates your understanding of the topic. You should assume that the audience is technical professionals (for example, that they have an engineering and/or design background), but are not necessarily experts in the exact topic that you have chosen. Your paper should be formatted in the manner of a technical paper (i.e. title block, abstract, introduction, chapter headings & subheadings as appropriate in the main body, conclusions and references). What you will do 1. Select a topic from the list provided. Read the topic carefully, and work out what is being asked and if there are multiple parts to the topic that you should address. 2. Develop a preliminary overview of what you think are the key areas that you will cover in your paper, and consider what search terms you will use to find relevant information. 3. Review academic literature relevant to this topic and identify key sources that you will draw on 4. Read and summarise the information that you have identified, keeping track of the sources from which you will extract information. 5. Develop a structure for your paper, and put dot-points under each main heading and sub-headings of what you will discuss in each. 6. Write each of the sections, drawing on your notes that you have prepared having read the literature. 7. Review the preliminary overview of the paper that you have developed, and see whether you would adjust this at all now that you have read through more literature on that topic. 8. After further improvements, review your paper, ensuring that it flows well, responds to the topic and covers all key aspects. Ensure spelling and grammar and references are correct, and that the paper is properly formatted. Technical Brief 2019 2 Resources and Useful References 1. Library guide for paper writing and Cite Write 2. Google Scholar, and the Library search engine (to find additional sources of information) 3. Online search tools 4. Blackboard Folder, lectures and studios Criteria and Standards for Grading Below is the description of assessment criteria and standards for grading this assessment item: Technical Brief 2019 3 Unit: ENN544 Sustainable practice in Engineering Assessment Task: Technical Review Paper Individual Submission Student Name: Objectives: Learning Outcomes: 4 Result: Elements of Criteria 7 6 5 4 3/ 2 / 1 Competence in engineering investigation Demonstrates awareness and understanding of Sustainable Development (SD) Identifies significant measures and applies them to the topic You have completed this task exceptionally, with:  comprehensive use of a range of sources relevant to topic  comprehensive understanding of SD values related to topic  accurately demonstrates awareness of sustainability issues  comprehensive identification of relevant sustainability measures and how to apply them You have completed this task competently, with:  competent identification of a range of sources relevant to topic  competent understanding of SD values related to topic  demonstrates awareness of sustainability issues  competent identification of relevant sustainability measures and how to apply them You have completed this task well, with:  identification of a range of sources relevant to topic  understanding of most SD values related to topic  demonstrates awareness of most sustainability issues  adequate identification of sustainability measures and how to apply them Your have completed this task with:  identification of a limited range of sources relevant to topic  some gaps in understanding of SD values related to topic  demonstrates awareness of some sustainability issues  basic identification of sustainability measures and incomplete discussion on how to apply them Your attempt in this task is not satisfactory as:  Very limited range of investigations undertaken  there is no evidence of understanding SD values related to topic  limited awareness of sustainability issues  limited discussion on sustainability measures and how to apply them Critical, creative & analytical thinking Accuracy and reliability of information Depth of analysis and engineering critical review You have completed this task exceptionally, with:  evidence of detailed application of appropriate information to enhance knowledge of topic  demonstration of comprehensive and outstanding judgement on accuracy and reliability of information  evidence of critical analysis from a diverse range of highly appropriate sources You have completed this task competently, with:  evidence of application of appropriate information to enhance knowledge of topic  demonstration of comprehensive and competent judgement on accuracy and reliability of information  evidence of critical analysis from a diverse range of appropriate sources You have completed this task well, with:  evidence of application of information to enhance knowledge of topic  demonstration of competent judgement on accuracy and reliability of information  evidence of analysis from a range of appropriate sources Your attempt to complete this task is satisfactory with:  some evidence of application of information to enhance knowledge of topic  demonstration of limited judgement on accuracy and reliability of information  analysis of information from obvious sources Your attempt in this task is not satisfactory as:  shows little evidence of application of information to enhance knowledge of topic  very limited judgement on accuracy and reliability of information  limited analysis Effective communication Your paper demonstrates:  a comprehensive, interesting & correctly referenced critical review  correct compliance with the brief  correct adherence to format, spelling & grammar conventions throughout Your paper demonstrates:  a comprehensive, interesting & mostly correct referenced critical review  a minor error in compliance with the brief  adherence to format, spelling & grammar conventions with a few errors Your paper demonstrates:  a referenced critical review of some interest  some minor errors in compliance with the brief  adherence to format, spelling &
Answered Same DayOct 10, 2021Queensland University of Technology

Answer To: Technical Briefing Paper - Report Template Title Abstract (150~250 words – not included in the word...

Amar answered on Oct 20 2021
155 Votes
Running Header: Technical Briefing Paper – How Do We Reduce Potable Water Use in Urban Developments
Technical Briefing Paper – How Do We Reduce Potable Water Use in Urban Developments
Technical Briefing Paper – How Do We Reduce Potable Water Use in Urban Developments
Over past decade and more, various regions across the globe continue to experience severe levels of droughts which has effectively impacted the security of regional level water supply. In addition to this, it is further foreseen that the anthropogenic led climate changes shall lead to the increases in the drought risks across various regions around the globe. Water security with respect to any urban developments can often be noted in being influenced negatively on account of the growth in populatio
n, competitions with respect to other set of demands like for example environment, agriculture, etc., over-extraction, droughts, as well as pollution relating to the sources for fresh water. In this context, this report presents review of the overall risks, management, and conservation facing the use and management of potable water, and determine technological and scientific approaches to reduce and conserve the use of potable water. In specific, this report undertook a detailed review of literature pertaining to the research context by searching across the Google Scholar platform using specific set of search terms.
Table of Contents
Abstract    2
Introduction    4
Research Background    4
Aims, Approach & Methods    5
Literature Review    6
Influences on the Choice to Conserve Water    6
Contextual Factors    6
Household Characteristics    7
Inconvenience & Impracticality    8
Water Conservation Behaviours    9
Analysis & Findings    12
Conclusion    15
References    16
Research Background
Over past decade and more, various regions across the globe continue to experience severe levels of droughts which has effectively impacted the security of regional level water supply. In addition to this, it is further foreseen that the anthropogenic led climate changes shall lead to the increases in the drought risks across various regions around the globe (Liu et al., 2016; Nguyen et al., 2018; Moglia et al., 2018). Some of the regions that are water stressed include California in United States as well Cape Town in South Africa. With respect to California, severe levels of drought led to the limitation of the water that is available for supporting a significantly large sized population (Liu et al., 2016; Nguyen et al., 2018; Moglia et al., 2018). In case of Cape Town, extended levels of drought led to the dwindling of reservoirs as well as a possibility for actually the “day zero” scenario wherein supplies of potable water shall be fully run-out to this modern city which is home of a population aggregating to ~3.7 million which is caused clearly on account of the combination of reasons which primarily include drought as well as mismanagement. Water security with respect to any urban developments can often be noted in being influenced negatively on account of the growth in population, competitions with respect to other set of demands like for example environment, agriculture, etc., over-extraction, droughts, as well as pollution relating to the sources for fresh water (Liu et al., 2016; Nguyen et al., 2018; Moglia et al., 2018). However, within the typical context, it shall be while the drought strikes in that the vulnerabilities underlying shall start to become evident, and at times not permitting the planners with adequate time for effectively responding. To take an example, studies have placed argument in that the supply of potable water and affiliated crisis across Cape Town to the most extent resulted from poor form of management as well as planning wherein the decisions had been undertaken on the basis of populist politics instead of scientific assessment concerning the drought risks (Liu et al., 2016; Nguyen et al., 2018; Moglia et al., 2018). Studies further argued in that the demand side interventions concerning potable water, that is, water conservation, shall form the essential priority in the climate adaptation context with respect to Cape Town. More specifically, conservation measures relating to potable water could be implemented rapidly as a response for the drought related events, whilst the interventions for augmenting the supply have significantly longer amount of lead time in reducing the security stress pertaining to potable water. With benefits from hindsight perspective, it can be argued that the same had not been prudent for implementing the conservation measures for potable water (Liu et al., 2016; Nguyen et al., 2018; Moglia et al., 2018). In case of Australia, responses towards drought has transformed how the cities across Australia undertake both the sourcing of water as well as the manner in which they actually use it. In actual, on account of the length pertaining to droughts, many studies argue in that the same has led to the changes with respect to the culture concerning water management across Australia (Liu et al., 2016; Nguyen et al., 2018; Moglia et al., 2018).
Aims, Approach & Methods
In this context, this report aims to review the overall risks, management, and conservation facing the use and management of potable water, and determine technological and scientific approaches to reduce and conserve the use of potable water.
In specific, this report undertakes a detailed review of literature pertaining to the research context by searching across the Google Scholar platform using the following search terms: [1] “Water conservation” and Urban, [2] “Rainwater harvesting” and “water saving”, [3] “Smart meter” and “water saving”, [4] water conservation, urban, and awareness, [5] “potable water use management” and urban.
Literature Review
Influences on the Choice to Conserve Water
The overall choice for the conservation of potable water shall rely on the contextual factors akin to that of household level characteristics, inconvenience as well as practicality levels concerning the practices, attitudes / social norms pertaining to households, etc. (Koech et al., 2018; Moy de Vitry et a;., 2019; Quesnel & Ajami, 2019). Studies in this context have determined evidence by way of Australia focused studies in that the adoption of the conservation measures for potable water was driven through the process entailing personal involvement environmental awareness, contextual factors like income, and habit formation (Koech et al., 2018; Moy de Vitry et a;., 2019; Quesnel & Ajami, 2019).
Contextual Factors
There appears to be contextual factors which have influence with respect to demand for potable water in addition to the potential for conserving potable water (Koech et al., 2018; Moy de Vitry et a;., 2019; Quesnel & Ajami, 2019). To take an example, within contexts of Sydney, studies have illustrated that the changes with respect to patterns in rainfall, temperature, as well as evaporation have moderate levels of impact over water demand. It is in addition known that urban development and urban designing, type of soil, as well as urban greenery have led to impacts over urban heat in addition to demand in potable water (Koech et al., 2018; Moy de Vitry et a;., 2019; Quesnel & Ajami, 2019). The same has in addition been noted that within the contexts of California, that overall potential with respect to water savings represents greatest over the summer months (Koech et al., 2018; Moy de Vitry et a;., 2019; Quesnel & Ajami, 2019).
Household Characteristics
The household level characteristics have influence with respect to demand for potable water as well as overall potentials concerning the conservation of potable water, like that of – [1] higher levels of income have been generally noted in being affiliated to the higher levels of potable water demand, [2] larger size of...

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