Choose up to two published journal articles that engage with methods and methodology in your area of study interest. Carry out a critical appraisal that identifies both positive and negative aspects of the approach used in the selected papers and discuss issues of objectivity in relation to the broader aims of the papers. (You need to include the two original articles that you have chosen in the Appendix of your essay.) Note that the two articles should be about methods and methodologies rather than technical subject of your research topic. Compare and summarise the two papers using systematic approaches. Critically review any framework(s)/model(s) (if applicable) and reflect how they can be applied in your own research in terms of data collection and data analysis. The evaluation should be evidence-based SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: The recommended length is 5,000 words, excluding tables, illustrations, appendices, and references. You are permitted to exceed this limit by the normal 10% margin. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Work is marked in relation to the following: • Pass (P) • Fail (F) You will be given detailed feedback. In case you fail the assessment, you will be presented with an opportunity to take admission again.
Jun 06, 2024

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