Choose the best form of the word Quintus to fill in the blank in the following sentence: Flavius tabulam spectat. * Quinti O Quintum O Quinto O Quintus Translate the following sentence from Latin into...

Choose the best form of the word Quintus to fill in the blank in the following sentence: Flavius tabulam spectat. * Quinti O Quintum O Quinto O Quintus
Translate the following sentence from Latin into clear, idiomatic English:
pueri fabulam magistri audiunt.
0 / 10000 Word Limit
Translate the following Latin sentence into clear, idiomatic English: principes consilium Ulixis accipiunt. (If you get stuck on consilium, check the reading notes for p.56.)
B / g
0 / 10000 Word Limit
May 05, 2022

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