Choose one of the four “isms” (objectivism, culturalrelativism, subjective relativism, emotivism) described in Chapter 2. Explain a specific moral situation and whyyou believe it is appropriate to...

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Choose one of the four “isms” (objectivism, cultural relativism, subjective relativism, emotivism) described in Chapter 2. Explain a specific moral situation and why you believe it is appropriate to evaluate or “view” that situation from your chosen “ism”. Then pick a different “ism” and provide an example for when that ism is the most appropriate angle from which to view the morality. In summary, your discussion answer should include two different examples viewed from two different “isms”.

Answered Same DayDec 23, 2021

Answer To: Choose one of the four “isms” (objectivism, culturalrelativism, subjective relativism, emotivism)...

Robert answered on Dec 23 2021
120 Votes
Morals are the motivation the lead to human behaviour
The Four “isms”
Running Head: THE
The Four “isms”
The Four “isms”
According to Coleman, (2008), subjectivism is a moral belief that explains the need for self-definition. One good example that can clearly illustrate subjectivism is blogging. Blogging has rapidly become an accepted and free way of expression through the internet. Millions of people, to show their subjectivism-motivated acceptance do Blogging (Coleman, 2008). Online communication is a strategy that aims at promoting the underlying principles of classical liberalism (Janack, 2006). The idea...

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