Choose ONE of the following topics; discuss and analyze it in a 750-word essay. Remember that your THESIS, the main idea of your essay, must be an ARGUABLE ASSERTION about something SPECIFIC and...

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Choose ONE of the following topics; discuss and analyze it in a 750-word essay. Remember that your THESIS, the main idea of your essay, must be an ARGUABLE ASSERTION about something SPECIFIC and SIGNIFICANT. Support your thesis with specific details (EVENTS, IMAGES, PHRASES) drawn from the material.

Your essay MUST focus primarily on
The Color Purple.
It may compare it to ONE of the newer versions of the Cinderella story (“When the Clock Strikes”, “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter”, “The Necklace”) or ONE of the older versions (“Ashputtle”,“The Cat Cinderella”, “Cendrillon”, and the Chinese, African, Native American, Japanese, Iraqi, Filipino and Scottish Cinderella tales). You may discuss the essays by Panttaja, Yolen, or Bettelheim. (DO NOT write about Disney’s “Cinderella”; essays focusing on Disney material or anything NOT on this list will NOT be graded.)

CINDERELLA-- FINAL ESSAY TOPICS (FINAL ESSAY DUE NOVEMBER 19, 2012) CULTURAL PARADIGMS-- FINAL ESSAY TOPICS Choose ONE of the following topics; discuss and analyze it in a 750-word essay. Remember that your THESIS, the main idea of your essay, must be an ARGUABLE ASSERTION about something SPECIFIC and SIGNIFICANT. Support your thesis with specific details (EVENTS, IMAGES, PHRASES) drawn from the material. Your essay MUST focus primarily on The Color Purple. It may compare it to ONE of the newer versions of the Cinderella story (“When the Clock Strikes”, “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter”, “The Necklace”) or ONE of the older versions (“Ashputtle”,“The Cat Cinderella”, “Cendrillon”, and the Chinese, African, Native American, Japanese, Iraqi, Filipino and Scottish Cinderella tales). You may discuss the essays by Panttaja, Yolen, or Bettelheim. (DO NOT write about Disney’s “Cinderella”; essays focusing on Disney material or anything NOT on this list will NOT be graded.) THIS ESSAY IS WORTH 30% AND IS DUE APRIL 24. Essays submitted BETWEEN APRIL 24 AND MAY 1 lose 10% of the given mark. NO ESSAYS are accepted after MAY 1. ESSAYS MUST –BE BETWEEN 750 AND 800 WORDS (or 10% will be deducted from the given mark) –USE FORMAL ACADEMIC STYLE (or 10% will be deducted from the given mark) --USE BLOCK OR POINT-BY-POINT FORMAT to compare and contrast –BE WORD DOCUMENTS –DEFINE all relevant terms and SUMMARIZE all texts mentioned, and IN YOUR OWN WORDS (or 10% will be deducted) –HAVE CITATIONS and BIBLIOGRAPHIES in MLA format (or 5% will be taken off) 1. “CINDERELLA”, OLD AND NEW– To show which element of a Cinderella story is the most essential, compare and contrast The Color Purple, a modern Cinderella story, with an older folktale version. What aspects of the story have changed? Why can the newer tale still be considered a Cinderella story? 2. CINDERELLA’S STEPSISTERS– Does The Color Purple include sibling rivalry? Must a Cinderella story include sibling rivalry? Does it matter if Cinderella has stepsisters, sisters, or brothers? Must her step-siblings or siblings be unsympathetic characters, and must they come to bad ends? Compare and contrast Walker’s novel with another version of the Cinderella story, refer to Bettelheim’s essay, and offer your conclusions. 3. FIRST-PERSON NARRATION–Most Cinderella stories use third-person narration. Cinderella stories are rarely recounted by a Cinderella, a stepsister, or a stepmother. Why do “When the Clock Strikes” and The Color Purple use first-person narration? Discuss the first-person narrator and the purpose of first-person narration, comparing and contrasting these works. 4. REVENGE–Why does revenge seem to be a motif in so many Cinderella stories? Discuss the revenge motif in The Color Purple, and compare it to a story in which the Cinderella figure (directly or indirectly) has her revenge on those who have mistreated her. Are all of Cinderella’s tormentors punished? Why, or why not? Does the emphasis on revenge affect the themes of Cinderella stories? Refer to Bettelheim’s and/or Panttaja’s essays here.
Answered Same DayApr 23, 2021

Answer To: Choose ONE of the following topics; discuss and analyze it in a 750-word essay. Remember that your...

Parul answered on Apr 23 2021
147 Votes
One of the very famous novel, “The Color Purple” written by Alice Walker was published in the year 1982. The novel won the price for famous literacy award t
he Pulitzer Prize in 1983. The story talks about the African American protagonist who endures many challenges in life, abused, exploited, and ultimately struggles to be independent. By the virtue of this assignment, we are comparing the novel Color Purple with another story that holds a deeper meaning The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant.
Thesis & Principle Idea
By the virtue of this assignment, I have selected the topic “Cinderella”, Old and New. Comparing not the classic folktale but related version “The Necklace” (Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893) with that of the contemporary lifestyle and struggles in order to find ultimate happiness in life exhibited in “The Color Purple” (Walker, 1982). Both the stories run on different story lines but one is able to discern strong parallels between the Celia in the novel “The Color Purple” and Mathilde Loisel in the Story “The Necklace”. Both the characters are protagonist in their story who have endured trauma and faced the wrath of their submissiveness and lack of courage, initially. As the story opens up, both the characters are portrayed innocent, helpless and defenseless. My thesis, paints the evident parallel between the two protagonist and my main idea is about strive for independence and find own liberation from the sufferings. As observed in the story, “The Necklace” how beautiful Mathilde Loisel just to prove to her other wealthy friends that she is rich, works her entire life to repay the debt of a necklace that she comes to realize want even real. We can comprehend similar incidence in the novel “The Color Purple” as well where Celia had to comprehend what she is worth, importance of her dignity and power of her skills in order to...

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