Choose one important te1111 f rom Thurman's essay, such as 11inm11a, 1101hi11.i!11css, cmp1i11ess, e,,f�{!hte11me111, 111edi1alia11, compassia11, ((!11vriwcc, sclj; fwppi11ess, orJreer/0111. Then, by tracing Thum1an's use of the term throughout the chapter, offer your own explanation of its meaning. While commonplace definitions for all of these terms may be found in a dictionary, here you are being asked co explain the meaning of the term as Thurman uses ir. Then you might contrast Thurman's use of the tem1 with more corn111onplacc understandings. lg11oraiffe, for example, has a special significance in the context of lJuddhist thought. How does it differ from (1!11ora11ce as we norrnall y define it?
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