Choose from the following eight topics.
1. Cryptography
2. Steganography
3. Computer Forensics
4. Parallel Computing
5. CloudComputing
6. Big Data Analytics
7. Machine learning
8. Artificial Intelligence
Part 1. The paper
The paper (saved as a PDF file) should be between 8 and 10 pages (not including images)
double-spaced if you are working in a team of three, between 6 and 8 pages (not including
images) double-spaced if you are working in a team of two, and between 4 and 6 pages
(not including images) double-spaced if you are working by yourself.
Your references should be included at the end of the paper.
The fonts used should be New Times Roman, Calibri or Arial, and not larger than 12.
Part 2. The web pages
Create three web pages about your topic. One web page should be the main web page,
and the other two should be web pages that you access from the main page. Thus,
your main web page should have links to your other two web pages. You must decide
what information will go on each page. Your web pages should also have links to other
online web pages.
You may also optionally reference images, and multimedia (online or submitted with
your project) that you might want to include.
Your web site should include all the information that your paper does, but it must not
look like a paper! Web sites do not look like research papers!
Submit a zip file containing your paper in PDF format, and all the .html
files creating your web site. Include images and other media files that you are referencing
and are not online.