Choice 1 News Writing means you are proceeding with news writing on your own. You want to work quickly, figure things out on your own and get to the point where you are writing publishable newspaper and/or yearbook stories quickly.
You will use everything on this page to help you complete your first On My Own assignment.
Help 1:the Journalism Contest Manual. Look at the News Writing Section. It will be invaluable!journalism_contest_manual.pdf (1).pdf
Help 2:The News Writing PowerPoint. You can look at this to help build your story.
*****DO THIS:You are going to write a news story based on this prompt.NEWS WRITING 1.pdf
Remember: LEAD with the thing the reader doesn't know. Look at the day the paper comes out and then see what comes next or what is happening today. That will guide your news.
Remember 2: The box diagram on the news writing power point shows how to paragraph your story. The lead is its own paragraph. Direct Quotes are their own paragraphs. Transitions are their own paragraphs.
Remember 3: Because the prompt is on the computer and you have a computer, you can copy and paste your quotes in the order you want to use them.
OVERVIEW: The story is written most important to least important
Extra information
Direct Quote
....... until the story is over.
DQs are elaborations or explanations of the transition that came before.
You CAN stack transitions. You cannot stack direct quotes.
Quote format:
"I love school,"journalism teacher Mary Beth Lee said. "It makes me happy."
PAY ATTENTION TO PUNCTUATION! (I made it red so you would see.)
Quotation markfirst sentenceCOMMA Quotation markTITLE NAME SAID(or name said on second reference)period. Quotation marksecond sentencePeriod quotation mark.
Turn the story in here when you're done. You can link to your 365 Word account or upload a file, whatever works best for you. If you link to your Word account, make sure I can edit.
You will get REVISION notes to make revisions. The assignment is not done until the revisions are accepted as complete by Mrs. Lee