Chapter Four Discussion aligns with the following course-level objectives: 2. Analyze crime, delinquency and deviance and be able to distinguish between the terms3. Evaluate social, familial and...

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Chapter Four Discussion aligns with the following course-level objectives:

2. Analyze crime, delinquency and deviance and be able to distinguish between the terms3. Evaluate social, familial and psychological risk factors of criminality4. Understand the impact of environment on the criminal5. Apply the theories of: crime, aggression, violence as well as the causes

You will use the following resources to complete the chapter three discussion:

Birzer, M.L., & Cromwell, P. (2017)In Their Own Words: Criminals on Crime. Oxford University Press

Cengage. (2020, February 16).Crime Causation: Sociological to an external site.)
Link(Links to an external site.)

United States Courts.Chapter 2: Communicating/Interacting With Persons Engaged in Criminal Activity and Felons (Probation and Supervised Release Conditions).United States Courts. to an external site.)

Address the following:

Review the information on the United States Court website referenced above regarding probationers and their associations with convicted felons. You should read chapter four of your textbook and study the information referenced above on Sociological Theories. Consider your readings and answer the following questions:

1. As stated on the United States Court website, while under supervision, a convicted felon cannot have any associations with people who have also been known to engage in criminal activity. Is this a reasonable condition for the Court to consider? Why or why not? Include evidence from your text and other sources to support your answer.

2. Do any of the Sociological Theories you studied support the need for such a condition of probation/supervision? Explain your answer in detail.

Answered Same DaySep 04, 2021

Answer To: Chapter Four Discussion aligns with the following course-level objectives: 2. Analyze crime,...

Sumita Mitra answered on Sep 05 2021
150 Votes
Under Supervision a convicted felon cannot have any association with person involved in some criminal act
A convicted person cannot have any associations with people who have also been known to engage in criminal activity without the permission from the probation officer. It is in a way good because it gives the convict, the time and the mental state of mind to introspect and behave accordingly so that he is subjected to less harsh punishments by the court. We can see from the purpose section of chapter 2 about the restrictions. This cannot be a reasonable condition for the court to consider as it is done for the benefit of the convicted person to reinvent himself and be a better human after introspection.
It is mentioned in the chapter about why such restrictions are needed and considered health for the convict. This is a process to do with the statutory public protection and rehabilitation procedure where the probation officer can keep track of the convict’s conduct, and update about his behaviour to the court for a positive reinforcement. The convict...

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