chapter 5:
Ourfirst Video Discussionwill be on a short clip about"The Orphan Train Movement of 1853-1929",this was the precursor to the modern foster care system in the United States. After viewing, please answer the questions
Question # 1: Why did the "Orphan Trains" begin, who was responsible for the movement and how did people receive these children from "The Orphan Train"?
Question# 2: How do you feel about the movement, would you have done something differently and what would that be? Keep in mind what ever you would have done in that era would effect the current "Foster Care System" today?
chapter 9:
According to Michelle E.Martin,Homelessnessis a verycomplexsocial problem and city officials identified the lack of affordable housing as one of the primary causes of homelessness among families with children , but other factors are considered as well. This weeks activity, you must define key terms and respond to questions below. You have all week to respond at your leisure. Please post your response to each question in aseparate post:
Affordable Housing
Hidden Homeless
Point-in-Time Counts
Continuum of Care Programs
Annual Homeless Assessment
HUD Programs
Transitional Housing Programs
Public Housing Projects
Runaway and Homeless Youth
Doubling Up
a) List the populations at risk for becoming homeless?
b) List all the "Common Practice Settings" serving homeless populations from the text reading? What do they offer?
2)According to this article
there are an estimated 553,742 people in the United States experiencing homelessness on a given night.
a) After reading the link on what the "National Alliance to end Homelessness" had to say , what are your personal thoughts on homelessness? Do you think we can address the homelessness issue, if so what can be done on a macro level?
b) Share what the link had to say about "Homeless Assistance in America"?
what are your thoughts on homelessness after reviewing the link, scholarly paper and article? Can we address the issue in 2020 or in the near future? Why or why not?