CHALLENGE 3.5.2: Boolean operators: Combining test conditions. ACTIVITY Write an expression using Boolean operators that prints "Eligible" if user_age is greater than 17 and not equal to 25. Sample...

Write an expression using Boolean operators that prints "Eligible" if user_age is greater than 17 and not equal to 25.

Sample output with input: 17


CHALLENGE<br>3.5.2: Boolean operators: Combining test conditions.<br>ACTIVITY<br>Write an expression using Boolean operators that prints

Extracted text: CHALLENGE 3.5.2: Boolean operators: Combining test conditions. ACTIVITY Write an expression using Boolean operators that prints "Eligible" if user_age is greater than 17 and not equal to 25. Sample output with input: 17 Ineligible 247772.1992070.qx3zqy7 1 user_age int(input()) %3D 2 1 test passed 3 if ''' You're answer goes here''': 4 print('Eligible') 5 else: All tests 6. print('Ineligible') passed Run

Jun 08, 2022

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