CHALLENGE 19.16.2: Name song. АCTIVITY Modify songVerse to play "The Name Game" (, by replacing "(Name)" with userName but without the first letter. Ex: If userName = "Kaitlin"...

Modify songVerse to play "The Name Game" (, by replacing "(Name)" with userName but without the first letter.

Ex: If userName = "Kaitlin" and songVerse = "Banana-fana fo-f(Name)!", the program prints:

Banana-fana fo-faitlin!

Ex: If userName = "Kaitlin" and songVerse = "Fee fi mo-m(Name)", the program prints:

Fee fi mo-maitlin

Note: You may assume songVerse will always contain the substring "(Name)".

CHALLENGE<br>19.16.2: Name song.<br>АCTIVITY<br>Modify songVerse to play

Extracted text: CHALLENGE 19.16.2: Name song. АCTIVITY Modify songVerse to play "The Name Game" (, by replacing "(Name)" with userName but without the first letter. Ex: If userName = "Kaitlin" and songVerse = "Banana-fana fo-f(Name)!", the program prints: Banana-fana fo-faitlin! Ex: If userName = "Kaitlin" and songVerse = "Fee fi mo-m(Name)", the program prints: Fee fi mo-maitlin Note: You may assume songVerse will always contain the substring "(Name)". 365076.2342078.qx3zay7 3 public class NameSong { public static void main (String 0 args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; String userName; String songVerse; 4 5 7 8 userName = scnr.nextLine(); userName = userName.substring(1); // Remove first character 9 10 11 12 songVerse = scnr.nextLine(); 13 14 // Modify songVerse to replace (Name) with userName without first character 15 16 * Your solution goes here */ 17 18 Svstem.out.println(sonaVerse):

Jun 10, 2022

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