C++Create an IPO chart and Pseudocode for the data below#include#includeusing namespace std; int main(){ //declaring varibles double p,r,t,i,j; vectorvectorR; vectorT; vectorIncome; //reading input...

C++Create an
IPO chart and Pseudocode
for the data below#include#includeusing namespace std;

int main(){ //declaring varibles double p,r,t,i,j; vectorvectorR; vectorT; vectorIncome; //reading input char ch; cout<"enter>>ch; int user=1; while (ch!='e' || ch != 'E') { i++; //loop included for menu based operation cout<"y:><"e:><"enter>>ch; //conditional expression if(ch=='y' || ch=='Y') { cout<"\nenter>>p; cout<"enter>>r cout<"enter>>t; //calculation i=(p*r*t)/(100*12*t) j=p/(t*12); //display output if(p <><><><"enter>

T.push_back(t); Income.push_back(i+j); user++; } else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { cout<"\nlooking><"><"><"monthly>

May 19, 2022

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