Case Study: System: Wealth Management System Charles Bekker and Anna Niemand are joint Directors of Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd, a financial services provider that assists investors to invest on the...

Case Study:

System: Wealth Management System
Charles Bekker and Anna Niemand are joint Directors of Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd, a financial services
provider that assists investors to invest on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and Offshore.
Directors of Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd would like you to assist them to conceptualise and build an endto‐
end information system that will enable its fund managers to track performances of equity
derivatives, store documents (such as letter of introduction, Risk analysis questionnaires, and
Record of advice for their respective investors). On the same system fund managers should be able
to buy and sell equities. Investors will be given a read only access to the system to view the
performance of their investments. They should also be able to view their FICA Status with regards
to any outstanding documents required for FICA purposes.

Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd is required by law to have a full‐time compliance officer. The role of
a compliance officer is to assist Directors of Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd to establish and maintain
a compliance function within their risk management framework. The role of a
compliance officer can be categorised into three main functions namely support, monitoring and
training of Fund Managers in compliance matters. The compliance officer will use the system to
record and update the compliance status.

The Directors of Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd would like the Wealth Management System to include a
secured cloud‐based web application and mobile application that can be installed from any App
Store on a Mobile Device. They system is expected to have Intuitive User Interface, handle a load
of 100 users using it concurrently, should be recovered within an hour in case of failure and should
allow multifactor authentication for all the registered users. As part of the functional requirements,
the system should be able to provide the Directors with a view of portfolio performances and other
financial service industry info. Directors will also use the system to record management reports.
Joyce Naidoo is an Office Manager who works closely with the Directors (Charles Bekker and Anna
Niemand). Joyce wants to be able to use the system to run payroll, to check commission earnings
on behalf of fund managers and production credits for Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd. Finally the Investors
will use the system as central communication tool between them and the fund managers with
regard to progress of their investments and other outstanding requirements in general. Investors
are also expected to use the system to apply for any new investments in future.

The Office Manager, Compliance Officer and Fund Managers are employees of Solid Capital (Pty)
Ltd. Fund Managers are allowed to handle one or more investments at a time. An investment is
linked to only one Investment Product. Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd has invested heavily in Microsoft
Cloud Services and they would like you and the Software Development Team to use Microsoft Azure
Dev Ops for Source Code Control, Test automation, Continuous Delivery and Deployment. Quality
is valued at Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd, the development team is forced to apply strict rules around Unit
Testing and Integration Testing. To save money on database licensing Solid Capital (Pty) Ltd has
recommended PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, as a free and open‐source relational database
management system to be used during the Project. All the databases on Postgres including the
back‐ups should be encrypted.


Create a UML domain model class diagram that will illustrate the association
between an Investment class and its related classes you have identified in the
case study.
You do not have to include attributes for any of the classes. Please use the
correct UML notation

Jun 09, 2022

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