Case Study AssignmentThe topic of the Case Assignment is the issue of memory and eyewitness testimony. You will be asked to discuss current ideas about how memory works and howthe characteristics of...

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Case Study Assignment
The topic of the Case Assignment is the issue of memory and eyewitness testimony. You will be asked to discuss current ideas about how memory works and how
the characteristics of memory might affect the ability of witnesses to recall accurately what they saw. Many people believe memory is like a video and what gets
recorded is what gets played back when we remember but psychologists such as Elizabeth Loftus have provided research showing that that is not the case.
In the Case Assignment, you will write a 5-7 page research paper (excluding cover and reference pages). You must cite at least 6 resources from the class
materials, the Touro library or your own research to support your arguments in the research paper.
Your paper will address the following:
Provide an Introduction section that outlines the main issues and topics you will cover in the paper
Loftus’ research shows that memory is actually reconstructed when we retrieve it rather than just played back as it was recorded. How does this differ from
common ideas about memory retrieval? What research evidence has Loftus and others provided to support this different view of memory?
According to Loftus and others working in this area of memory, can memories be manipulated or changed by others such as police or lawyers or therapist?
Discuss police interrogation techniques or lawyer techniques that might alter what people remember.
If memories can be altered how could this affect eyewitness testimony?
Make recommendations to improve eyewitness testimony or to prevent false memories from forming
You must use proper psychology terminology in this essay. Do not exceed 7 pages in this assignment, excluding title and references pages. The Case Assignment
must be written in APA style format (ex. double spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman).
Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Answered 2 days AfterJul 16, 2024

Answer To: Case Study AssignmentThe topic of the Case Assignment is the issue of memory and eyewitness...

Dilpreet answered on Jul 19 2024
8 Votes
Memory and Eyewitness Testimony         2
Table of Contents

    In criminal justice system, most of the times, outcomes of trials are dependent on the eyewitness testimony. Owing to the complex nature of the human memory, the reliability of the eye witness testimony has been questioned. Traditionally, it is believed that memory function
s as a video recorder, in contrast to this opinion, Elizabeth Loftus has focused on the notion that memory is a reconstructive process. Through this essay an effort has been made to explore the functions of memory and how external factors influence and alter the functions of memory. Implications of these findings in context of eyewitness testimony will also be highlighted through this essay. Recommendations shall also be provided to prevent formation of false memories and improve the accuracy of eyewitness testimony.
Memory Concept of Elizabeth Loftus
    Elizabeth Loftus from her research on memory has revealed that memory is a reconstructive process and is not perfect. Her studies focus on misinformation effect and lost in the mall experiment. Both of these demonstrate that memories can be easily influenced by external factors such as suggestive questioning, and repeated retrieval (Loftus & Loftus, 2019). Furthermore, the studies focus on the notion that what people tend to recall can be significantly different from what actually might have happened and therefore questions the reliability of the eyewitness testimony.
Memory Reconstruction Vs. Playback
    Commonly people believe that memory can be thought of as a video camera, which is capable of recording events permanently, and perfectly. According to this notion, it is believed that the stored incidents in the mind are retrieved clearly and in an altered manner.
Reconstructed Nature of Memory
    In contrast to the common beliefs regarding memory, Elizabeth Loftus has described memory as a dynamic and reconstructive process. The central idea of the theory is humans tend to embellish memories of past events with the knowledge they tend to construct (De Brigard, 2023). The details of such events tend to change each time we tend to recollect them. This further focuses on the notion that how memories are likely to be distorted and inaccurate each time they are recalled.
Supporting Evidence
Misinformation Effect
    Elizabeth Loftus through her studies has made substantial contributions towards developing a better understanding of memory through her studies on misinformation effect. As per the research, when the subjects were provided with false information about something they visually see, they tend to store this false information in their memory. In this particular experiment, the subjects were made to see a car crash, and then were asked questions, which were not true about the event. It was then observed that the deceptive information, which was provided to the participants had a significant impact on their memory. This experiment highlighted the notion that how easily the memories of individuals can be reshaped and altered.
Lost in the Mall Study
    The lost in the mall study or experiment is a technique of memory implantation, which was used for the purpose of demonstrating confabulations about events that never took place (Murphy et al., 2023). For instance, subjects were provided the memory that they have been lost in the mall as a child. The thesis Elizabeth Loftus has focused on through this experiment is that it is possible to implant entirely false memories in people. This technique was developed in the context of debate about false memory syndrome, and repressed memory.
Manipulation and Change of Memories
External Influences on Memory
    Human memories can be easily manipulated, through the suggestions and guidance...

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