Case Study analysis (INDIVIDUAL!) for both accreditation and course requirements
After reading the mini-lectures for module I found in Resources and Supplemental Readings module, read the two case studies: (Case 9 Amazon and case 27 Delta Airlines)
and select one to analyze.
Identify their mission and the vision of their current CEO.
Assess the macro environment (specific to the industry not to the firm) or PESTEL analysis, - please consider the global nature of the PESTEL
Assess the micro environment (be sure to include the relationships it has with its stakeholders - channels, suppliers, other allied firms, customers, employees etc)Please discuss also the impact of globalization on your stakeholders.
VRIO analysis of the firm's resources, include also ethical decision making as a resource for your organization and how strong it is.
Assess the competitive environment (analysis of the strengths of the competitors), with consideration of success factors for the industry.
Apply Porter's five forces to the industry.
Apply Porter's Diamond Model to their non-domestic market (geographic break-down).
Construct a SWOT analysis of the firm, include ethical decision making as a resource for your organization and whether it is a strength or weakness.
Based on the SWOT analyze its current business portfolio or create an SBU analysis for the organization and identify the investment opportunities for each SBU.
Looking at the environmental constraints and the mission and vision of the firm - what appears to be their current over-arching corporate strategy sometimes called their generic strategy can be established from a TOWS Matrix, construct a tows matrix (see mini-lecture). Consider the effect of globalization when identifying corporate strategies.
Based on the Corporate strategy what should be the business level strategy for each SBU (see mini-lecture for help or chapter 7). Use the organizational structure from the Annual Report for SBUs recognition and BCG product portfolio analysis for identifying investment opportunities for each SBU.
Refer to the performance (share price and key financial statistics) of the company, as to point out the strategic problem.
Strategy and the environment are said to be dynamic. The strategy influences the stakeholders and the stockholders influence the strategy. For example when analyzing customer segments, firm's identify the their target market that have buying behaviors are synergistic with the firm's resource and capabilities and their strategic direction. They hire employees that have the knowledge to support the strategy. Similarly they form relationships with their channels and suppliers to help leverage their current resources and implement their strategy. Even stakeholders look at the firm and its strategy to assess the value of the organization (this value can be for value that they add for each stakeholder) and its long term viability In your discussion of the strategy of the firm discuss these factors and the impact of the strategy on each of the firm's stakeholders.
Note: in strategic planning the process most firms create plans using a business writing style.
Visuals, graphics, and bullets may be used to condense the report into an easy to read document.
Subheadings are very important as well and you may find that each subheading begins a new page in order to fit the topic on one page. When I evaluate this analysis it will be for content and organization/presentation of the information. You may use either MLA or APA styles for your referencing - just be consistent throughout the document, selecting only one format.
When creating your analysis save it as a word file or a rich text file - Thank you.
Please see the background of the case, and scan the environment for the company in question, as it must be relevant for the business. You should consider factors in the environment important for the specific corporation. I chose cases with global perspective (look at the rubric requirements) , so we look at the global environment, with some regional segmentation (differences observed, only those which are critical for the business to be analyzed). For example Apple sells products internationally, as well as Starbucks and they depend on the international market, not domestic. Please remember to recognize the SBU, as for each SBU the scanning would be different (different factors matter for different products), although the cases were quite limited to the focus on one SBU.